term of policy

[tɚm ʌv ˈpɑlɪsi][tə:m ɔv ˈpɔləsi]


  • Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy .

    保单 有效 ,所缴纳的保险费是有保障的。

  • Further for this rapidly transforming Chinese market whether the interest rate term structure can help to understand the formulation of monetary policy ?

    更进一步说,对于中国这个正处于快速转型期的新型市场,利率 期限结构能否为货币 政策的制定提供某些有意义的帮助呢?这都是一些很有意思的问题,也是本文研究目的所在。

  • Since the medium term of 1990s more and more countries have adjusted their tax preference policy on international investment .

    20世纪90年代 中期开始,各国加快了对国际投资 鼓励 政策的调整步伐,更广泛地采用国民待遇 原则,进一步强化投资鼓励的 产业 导向和科技 导向,并日益重视多边机构的作用。

  • According to the empirical results and the environment of financial market in our country the writer makes suggestions of how to improve the term structure of interest rate and monetary policy in our country .

    最后依据实证分析结果,结合我国金融市场环境,提出健全我国利率 期限结构和完善货币 政策的建议。

  • Under long term guidance of free economic policy America has all along persisted company management relied on supervision of external capital market while the bank can only watch for an opportunity for management .

    美国在 长期自由经济 政策的指引下,一向坚持公司治理依赖外部资本市场的监督,银行只能相机治理。

  • During Bush 's second term the policy of America to Iran is also the focal point of its foreign policy .

    小布什第二 任期,美国对伊朗的政策依然是美国对外 政策的重点。

  • On such basis this chapter reviewed the existing literatures from three aspects i.e. implied information about monetary policy in term structure of interest rate impacts of monetary policy on term structure of interest rate and mutual interactions between them .

    在此基础上,我们分别从利率 期限结构内含货币政策信息、货币 政策影响利率期限结构以及两者之间的双向互动关系等三个角度对现有研究文献进行了综述。

  • Since the monetary demand function is stable in the long term the frequent changing of monetary policy between easing and tightening may cause liquidity shortage and excess periodically .

    由于我国的货币需求函数在 长期 比较稳定,因而货币 政策在紧缩与宽松之间的频繁变化就导致流动性在短缺与过剩之间周期性波动。

  • Export Tax Rebate is a long term Tax policy of our country . The implement of this Tax policy is very important to the export and economic growth of our country . The key factor of making the Export Tax Rebate effective is management of Export Rebate .

    出口退税作为我国的一项 长期税收政策,它的实施对于 促进对外贸易和国家经济增长起着十分重要的作用,而出口退税管理正是将这项 制度落到实处的关键。

  • Based on short - term Granger test of VEC Model short - term equilibrium relationship of final objective between support monetary quantity interest rate and monetary policy exists .

    基于VEC模型的短期Granger因果检验,支持货币量、利率和货币 政策最终目标之间 短期均衡关系的存在。

  • Afterwards studies on correlation between term structure of interest rate and macroeconomic variables was reviewed from such aspects as fiscal policy periodical fluctuation of economy term structure of interest rate and other macroeconomic variables .

    随后,我们分别从财政 政策、经济周期波动、利率期限结构和其他宏观经济变量等方面 利率 期限结构与宏观经济变量的关联性研究进行了综述。

  • Traffic structure is the long term result of traffic policy directly determines the operation efficiency of urban traffic system .

    交通结构是城市交通 政策 长期作用的结果,直接决定着城市交通系统的运行效率。

  • According to the result of Granger Causality Test the slope and level factor in term structure of interest rate implies the information about monetary policy .

    Granger因果关系检验结果表明,利率 期限结构的倾斜度变量和水平因子变量蕴含着货币 政策的信息。

  • Term Structure Models of Interest Rate and Their Applications in Financing and Policy Decision Problem

    利率 期限结构模型及其在融资 决策问题中的应用

  • In the long term the impact of the policy effect will be gradually reduced for electroplating enterprises technological innovation is the root of its life .

    模拟结果还表明, 政府 产业 政策 只能在相对较短时间 企业的利润产生影响,在 长期 政策影响会逐渐减弱,因此,对于电镀企业来说,技术革新才是其兴衰的根本。

  • And the effects of changes in monetary policy is greater in the short term . Tightening of monetary policy can increase systemic credit risks .

    特别是货币政策 商业银行信贷系统性风险的影响在 短期 较大,在国家实行紧缩的货币 政策时会使得商业银行信贷的系统性风险上升。

  • Term Structure Models of Interest Rates for Monetary Policy

    支持货币 政策的利率 期限结构模型

  • Then this article had emphatically carried on the empirical analysis to the relations between the interest rate term structure of national bonds of our country interbank and monetary policy .

    接着,本文着重对我国银行间国债市场利率 期限结构与货币 政策之间的关系进行了实证分析。

  • In term of the bases of the U. S. policy some people stress the ideological factors ; some people stress the material ones .

    谈到美国对以色列 政策的基础,有人强调观念因素的作用,也有人强调物质因素的作用。

  • The term also is applied to a group of party members that meets to plan policy .

    这个 也适用于符合计划 政策 党员小组。

  • Government procurement is a general term which includes acts of government procurement policy procurement methods and procurement management .

    政府采购包括政府采购 政策、采购方式及采购管理在内的 政府采购行为的 总称

  • Party B shall maintain at all the times during the term of this Agreement a policy of Products liability insurance in respect of the Products at level of cover to be reasonably determined by Party B.

    乙方在协议期间,应该始终按照这份协议 条款中规定的 产品责任险”的 政策,以乙方认为合理的投保范围来投保合同相关产品。

  • The potential growth rate is probably already down to 7 per cent and in the near term employment conditions and housing prices will determine the amount of flexibility in macroeconomic policy .

    潜在增长率可能已经降至7%。 近期 而言,就业状况和房价将决定宏观经济 政策的弹性。

  • The government procurement system is the general term of the specific provisions of the government procurement policy procurement entity the scope of procurement procurement and management .

    政府采购制度是政府采购 政策、采购实体、采购范围、采购管理等具体规定的 总称

  • Basic economic factors such as term of trade openning-up affect REER of RMB more markedly than fiscal policy monetary policy and foreign exchange reserve ;

    贸易 条件、开放度等基本经济因素对人民币实际有效汇率影响显著,财政 政策、货币政策、外汇储备的规模对人民币实际有效汇率的影响不显著;

  • To ensure the macro economy increasing continuously the moderate inflation policy at the rate of 3 to 6 percent should be the medium term and long objective of macro economic policy in China .

    为确保我国宏观经济的持续增长,3%-6%的温和的通货膨胀政策,应是我国中 长期宏观经济 操作的主要目标和基本归宿。