terminating point

[计] 终点,端接点

  • The opposite coast formed one vast bay terminating on the south by a very sharp point which was destitute of all vegetation and was of a very wild aspect .

    对岸形成一个宽阔的港湾, 南端是一个险峻的 海角,上面寸草不生,看起来非常荒凉。

  • Terminating Point of the Polycondensation of Naphthalenesulfonic Acid and Formaldehyde

    萘磺酸甲醛缩聚反应的 终点判定

  • Termination : At high frequencies all signals must be properly terminated or the electromagnetic wave will be reflected from the terminating point .

    端接:在高频下,所有的信号都必须被适当端接,否则电磁波将被从 接点反射。

  • The dynamic stress intensity factor ( DSIF ) at the terminating point is defined in terms of the singular stresses at the point .

    利用所得的奇性应力定义了裂纹和界面 接触 处的动应力强度因子。

  • In virtue of the singular scattered field of the crack together with the property of Cauchy type integral the singular stress and singular stress order at the terminating point are calculated .

    根据裂纹散射场的奇异部分和Cauchy型奇异积分的性质得出了裂纹和 界面 接触 的奇性应力指数和接触 形域内的奇性应力。