terminal block

[ˈtɚmənəl blɑk][ˈtə:minəl blɔk]


  • The terminal presser comprises a frame a former block guiding rail board fixed on the frame and four former block guide rails radially arranged on the former block .

    端子压着机包括机架,机架上固定有 冲头导轨板,冲头导轨板上设有呈放射状的四个冲头导轨。

  • The control wires are connected on the user terminal block of the driver board .

    在过载情况下,导电板将与 端子分离,关掉开关。

  • According to the stimulation results terminal capillary domino effect which produced by preventing base rock plugging plays an important role for inhibiting permanent water block .

    根据模拟计算结果,防止基岩堵塞产生的 末端毛管效应,对抑制永久性水 具有重要的作用。

  • The test conditions and main results of wind tunnel test for Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital Airport are introduced . The block shape coefficients for the most unfavorable conditions are given which clearly show the characteristics of the wind pressure distributions on this long-span roof surface .

    介绍了超大跨度屋盖结构&北京首都机场3号 航站 的模型风洞试验概况和主要结果,给出了屋面在最不利工况下的 体型系数,清楚地显示了屋面的风压分布特征。

  • Each byte is connected with an 8 pin terminal block .

    各组均连接到一个8引脚 接线 上。

  • The transmitting signal is spread at the transmitting terminal and is sent to the transmitting antennas after space-time block coder .

    发射 每个 用户对发送信号先进行扩频,再对扩频后的信号进行空时 分组编码后送至发射天线。

  • Terminal block connections - easy and safe wiring connections are made possible by factory installed terminal blocks .

    端子 接线盒&这种在工厂就配置好的端子接线盒,使得电源连接更加方便,更加安全。

  • XKM / HYT series terminal block is an important component in low voltage electric equipment It is mainly applied for branching the trunk line It is the most advanced terminal block in China at present .

    浙江西卡姆电力设备有限公司自主研发、生产的 XKM/HYT系列主干线分线器是一种全新的作用于主干线上的专用分线低压电器件,是目前国内最先进的优质产品。

  • The four kinds of methods by which polysiloxane was dispersed evenly in the his-phenol A type of epoxy resins including the reaction of active terminal group the synthesis of block copolymer from silo-cane coupler ;

    本文综述了将聚硅氧烷引入到双酚-A型环氧树脂的四种途径,即,活性 端基反应;

  • A terminal line block is arranged in the front of the lower riveted knife . A power cord can be automatically placed into the position feeding stamping device without manual operation .

    本实用新型将 电源线 放入定位送料冲压装置内不再需要手工,能自动完成。

  • Completely pre-wired - with pressure lug terminal block eliminating need for splicing or taping of wires .

    全部预置线路&配置弹性接线片的 终端 接线盒,不需要再缠绕和捻接电源线。

  • Meanwhile the terminal also has the functions to alarm when gas overflows and to block the gas .

    同时 智能 终端还具有瓦斯超限报警和瓦斯 闭锁功能。

  • This information can be found on the flange or terminal block of the element or on the water heater data plate .

    有关参数可以在加热元件的法兰或 接线 上找到,或者在热水器的参数板上找到。

  • Those parts of the Hong Kong airport terminal building office block delineated and shaded pink on a plan marked E.

    在标记e的图则上划定和加上粉红色阴影的香港 机场大厦办公 大楼的该等部分。

  • Relay terminal block should be solid and reliable .

    继电器 端子 接线应牢固可靠。

  • Study of Connection Methodology of Terminal Block between Short Net Copper Pipe and Soft Cable for Calcium Carbide Furnace

    电石炉短网铜管与软缆 接线 连接方式的研究管子与管板氩弧焊接

  • Plug-in base or manifold mount with optional plug-in tubing connections and terminal block for ease of wiring .

    插件安装与基地或多种可选插件油管为便于布线连接 终端

  • This paper discusses the characteristics of intelligent terminal equipment used in the electric power dispatching telecommunication network . Electrical block diagram supporting software and system applications of the JDT series dispatching telephone control boards arc also introduced .

    文中论述了电力调度通信网中智能 终端设备的特点,介绍了JDT型总机的电气 框图、支撑软件及系统应用问题。