terminal subsystem


  • It includes a main server database system data management system B / S mode and a variety of wireless networking PDA terminal subsystem .

    它包括服务器端的主数据库系统,B/S模式下的数据管理系统以及各类无线连网PDA 系统

  • Finally the communication protocol interaction between the test terminal subsystem and the whole network test system are designed .

    最后,对测试 终端 系统和整个网络测试优化系统之间交互的通信协议进行了设计。

  • On the mobile terminal subsystem mainly design the testing information acquisition and video acquisition for three big functions .

    在移动 终端 系统上主要设计了编码检测、信息获取和视频获取三大功能。

  • After full feasibility studies we have chosen three problems & to be resolved terminal maintenance data transmission efficiency and water control subsystem funds uncertain attribution that direct impact on system operation crucial issues to carry on a detailed analysis and research .

    经过充分论证,我们选择了亟待解决的 终端维护、数据传输效率和水控 系统资金归属不确定这三个直接影响系统运行的要害问题,进行详细的分析和研究。

  • The adapter card main switch and minor switch constitute the data channel between host computer and student terminal subsystem .

    而主交换机、次交换机与计算机适配卡等三部分为上位机和 终端 系统之间构建了数据通讯通道。

  • For various application environments CC-2000 platform provides two types of data acquisition subsystems . One is VME bus-based computer subsystem and another is the terminal server-based subsystem .

    针对不同的应用环境,CC-2000系统提供两种数据采集子系统,即基于VME总线的工控机系统和基于 终端服务器的 系统

  • The design and implementation of the conference management subsystem and conference terminal subsystem are discussed in Chapter Three and Chapter Four respectively .

    第三章介绍会议管理 系统的设计和实现;第四章介绍视频会议 终端 设计 实现

  • Thirdly designing the architecture of mobile terminal oriented disasters emergency management which can get with public participation and designing every subsystem briefly .

    第三设计了面向移动 终端的公众参与型灾害应急管理系统体系架构,并对各 系统进行概要设计。

  • The author participated in designing the scheme of the Vehicle Positioning Terminal and was in charge of software designing and developing subsystem of image capturing and data transmission .

    本人在整个车载定位 终端开发过程中参与了 系统整体方案的设计,主要承担了图象采集 系统的软件设计和开发。

  • And nonsingular global fast terminal sliding mode control law of joint subsystem is determined by using the Lyapunov theory .

    运用李亚普诺夫理论设计出各关节 系统的非奇异全局快速 终端滑模控制律。

  • Based on the above investigation we perform a design of video conference terminal system on IP network which mainly includes the whole plan of the hardware and software the design of media subsystem as well as the layered design of QoS control module .

    在此基础上,完成了电视会议 终端系统的设计,主要包括硬件、软件的总体设计方案和媒体 系统的设计,以及 系统QoS控制模块的分层设计。

  • The design of space-to-ground optical communication systems is also provided including transmission and receiving terminal optical subsystem modulating and detecting scheme .

    并对空-地光通信系统进行了系统方案设计,包括收 发端 、光学 系统、调制和检测方案的设计。

  • Finished hardware lectotype of GPS terminal in-cara and software design . Finally this study took test to the two subsystem . And the results showed that each function and property reached research and development expected goal .

    完成了车载GPS 终端的硬件选型以及软件设计实现。最后,本文对两 个子 系统进行了测试,各项功能和性能基本上达到了研发的预期目标。

  • That system is mainly composed of embedded terminal monitor center and filiale subsystem .

    该系统主要由三部分组成:嵌入式 终端、监控中心和分公司 系统

  • Then we specifically design and realize the self-service terminal station paying subsystem under such framework .

    进而在此框架结构下对自助 终端代缴费 系统进行具体设计和实现。

  • The architecture of the system is composed of the encoding and decoding of Manchester ⅱ series-parallel conversion module the bus transmission module the remote terminal protocol and message processing module the RAM and its controller module and subsystem module .

    包括双冗余曼彻斯特II编解码及串并转换、总线传输逻辑、 终端协议和消息处理、内存及控制器及 系统模块。

  • In Chapter Two the problems to be solved are analyzed and the overall structure of the system are introduced . Furthermore the analysis and descriptions of every hardware parts on the terminal subsystem are given emphatically .

    第二章提出了本课题具体需要解决的问题,并对问题做了具体的分析,然后给出了系统设计的解决方案。着重对 拉床 终端 机子 系统的各个硬件环节进行了分析和说明。

  • This system consists of three subsystems such as collection subsystem composed by GPRS collection terminal communication subsystem composed by GPRS network and central processing subsystem composed by host computer software .

    系统具有3层结构:前端采集子系统由GPRS采集 终端构成,通信 系统由GPRS网络构成,中心处理子系统为主站软件系统。

  • The wastepaper purchasing detecting monitoring system is consisted of license plate recognition subsystem weighting subsystem handheld terminal and database subsystem .

    本废纸收购检测监控系统由车牌号识别系统、称重系统、掌上 终端和数据库几 部分 组成

  • Subsystem by the customer relations shipping management subsystem terminal yard subsystem integrated billing subsystem EDI subsystems query statistics subsystems .

    由客户关系子系统、船务管理子系统、 码头堆场 系统、综合计费子系统、EDI子系统、查询统计子系统组成。

  • The Pure Digital Audio system in this paper has been divided into five parts by functions : computer and managing subsystem computer adapter primary exchange second exchange and students ' terminal subsystem .

    本论文中的数字化语音系统可以分为相对独立的五个组成部分:计算机上位机及管理子系统、计算机适配卡、主交换机、次交换机、学生 终端 系统

  • Terminal management module : is as a base data record management database this module for the mobile marketing subsystem of the added small quick modem wireless terminal or terminal accessories such as resource management .

    终端管理类模块:是作为一个基础数据进行数据库记录的管理,该模块为移动营销 系统新增加的modem、无线上网卡等终端或终端配件资源进行管理。

  • The host computer works as the network server and is responsible for the request sent by the student terminal subsystem .

    上位计算机相当于网络服务器,负责实时处理学生 终端 系统发送的请求。