term of contract

[tɚm ʌv ˈkɑnˌtrækt][tə:m ɔv kənˈtrækt]

[经] 合同期

  • Article 111 If a party fails to fulfil its contractual obligations or violates the term of a contract while fulfilling the obligations the other party shall have the right to demand fulfillment or the taking of remedial measures and claim compensation for its losses .

    一百一十一条当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行 合同义务不符合约定 条件的,另一方有权要求履行或者采取补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失。

  • Similarly the court in Roth indicated that the teacher in that case would have been entitled to due process protections if he had been dismissed during the term of his contract because the contract itself had secured his interest in employment during that period .

    同样,法院在“罗斯”案里表明,如果该案的讲师是在 合同 期间遭解雇,他就应当享有正当程序保障的权利,因为合同本身已保证其在雇用期间的利益。

  • By or under the term of the contract the company is responsible for all damage to the property .

    根据 合同 条款该公司对财产的所有损坏负责。

  • During the term of the contract if the site use fee is adjusted it shall be paid at the new rate beginning from the year of adjustment .

    合同 ,场地使用费如有调整,应当自调整的年度起按新的费用标准缴纳。

  • He refuse to agree to some of the term of the contract .

    他拒绝同意该 合同的一些 条款

  • Article 30 A book publisher shall during the term of the contract have an exclusive right to publish the work delivered to him for publication by the copyright owner .

    第三十条图书出版者对著作权人交付出版的作品,在 合同 约定期间享有专有出版权。

  • During the term of this contract either part does not comply with this contract shall bear breaching responsibility and shall make compensation to the counter-party .

    合同有效 内,任何一方不遵守本合同的约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此而遭受的损失。

  • Note : Shuttle bus to work the lease term of the contract price and car rental cars and lines are quite different .

    注:上下班接送的班车租赁价格和租车 合同 期限、车型以及线路有较大差别。

  • When the term of contract has expired the works enter the public domain expediently .

    合同 期满,作品便进入公共领域。

  • Term of the contract is still to be agreed

    合同 条款还得双方 当事人同意

  • If Party B accepts special skill training funded by Party A during the term of this contract Party A and Party B may covenant the term of service .


  • This will prolong considerably the term of our contract because our production capacity will be almost full .

    这将大大延长我们的 合同 期限,因为我们的生产能力将几乎满。

  • By contrasting with Sweden which has stable labor relationship the author puts for a proposal to make the term of contract perfect in China .

    通过与劳动关系比较稳定的瑞典劳动 合同比较 研究,提出对我国现行劳动 合同 期限的完善和建议。

  • Exception researching one type of Non-store retailing contract – Direct selling we pay little attention to the legislation of Non-store retailing contract – Direct selling saying nothing of studying in term of contract law .

    除了对无店铺买卖合同之一种的直销相关立法有所研究以外,鲜有对无店铺买卖合同其他立法加以重视,更不用说以 合同法为 视角进行研究。

  • The contract shall be valid for10 years from the effective date of the contract on the expiry of the validity term of contract the contract shall automatically become null and void .

    合同有效期从合同生效之日算起共10年,有效 期满后,本合同自动失效。恒星英语-英语学习好去处!

  • If a site use fee is being contributed as an investment by a Chinese venturer it shall not be adjusted during the term of the contract .

    场地使用费作为中国合营者投资的,在该 合同 期限 不得调整。

  • A statement written or oral made during negotiations leading to a contract may be a term of the contract or merely a representation inducing the contract .

    一种陈述,书面或是口头的,在谈判的过程中产生的并导向与形成一个合同,可能成为 合同 条款或单纯作为合同的诱导性陈述。( ,说屁话了)

  • Breach of an essential or basic term of a contract by one party entitle the other party to treat the contract as terminate .

    一方当事人未履行 合同的基本 条款,这将使另一方当事人有权将合同看成被终止。

  • They constitute wholesome organizes system and apply some systems such as produce and sale in term of contract price subsidy and non-marketing arrangement moreover reinforce intellect development of industrialization system to evade risks ;

    建立健全的产业化组织体系,利用各种制度、非市场安排并大力加强产业化体系的智力开发等 措施规避风险;

  • In the past our country always focuses on fixed term of labor contract .

    长期以来我国一直以固定 期限劳动 合同为主。

  • Such insurance shall be obtained and maintained in full force and effect throughout the term of this contract and any extensions and changes thereof .

    上述保险应在本 合同 期限及其延期和更改期间 购买并持续购买。

  • At the same time we should not adopt an extreme attitude to the term of labor contract nor restrict or intervene it compulsively .

    同时,在劳动 合同 期限 制度 问题上不能采取激进的态度,对其强制性地严格限制和干涉,应该通过温和的改良主义态度,多注重 企业的引导和宣传。

  • In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract .

    承包人在 承包 死亡的,该承包人的继承人可以继续承包。

  • The term of a contract may be fixed or non-fixed or fixed in terms of a certain amount of work done . The unit that is ordered to control the pollution within a time limit must accomplish the task on schedule .

    劳动 合同 期限分为有固定 期限、固定期限和以完成一定的工作为期限。被限期治理的单位必须按期完成治理任务。

  • The term of the contract has another two months to go .

    再地二个月 合同到期

  • We accept the term of the contract on the understanding that It have to be ratify by the full board .

    在全部董事会成员批准的 条件下,我们接受 合同的条件或 条款

  • Also if you can make the term of the contract short with optional renewals just in case things work out well and you want to continue the relationship .

    另外如果你也可以,让 合同 短期一些,并保留一些可以再更改的条款,这仅是假设事情都不错你想进一步的情况。

  • Negotiation with supplier and ensure the best term of contract .

    与供应商谈判,确保 供货 条款达到最佳要求。

  • What 's the term of the contract ?

    这份 合同 期限 多长