temperature control

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr kənˈtrol][ˈtempəritʃə kənˈtrəul]


  • As the incubator temperature control system with large time delay and nonlinearity conventional PID control parameters tuning difficult .

    由于恒温箱 温度 控制系统具有大时滞和非线性特性,常规PID控制参数难以整定。

  • A model-based temperature control method for rapid thermal processor system is presented in this paper .

    提出了一种基于系统模型的快速退火炉 温度 控制方法。

  • Water temperature control system based on logic rule control algorithm is designed .

    设计了基于逻辑规则控制算法的 水温 控制系统。

  • In this papers the temperature control system of electric stove is a intelligent control system .

    基于单片机 控制的电阻 炉温 控制系统是一种智能型 温度控制系统。

  • And with the optimization of water intake control method the temperature control of the system became more accurate .

    通过对恒温水取水控制方法的优化,使其 温控更为准确。

  • Fully automatic PID temperature control and automatic constant temperature .

    全自动PID 温度 控制 系统,自动控温恒温。

  • A dynamic thermal equilibrium servo temperature control strategy is implemented in this system .

    系统采用动态热平衡伺服 控制策略进行 恒温控制。

  • The design of The temperature control system based on MCU of is introduced in this paper .

    本论文介绍了“基于单片机的电炉 温度 控制系统”的设计及其相关内容。

  • The steady state error and overshoot of the temperature control system were measured for a certain DPSSL .

    最后针对某型DPSSL激光器负载,测试了 温控系统的稳态误差、超调量等指标;

  • Finally the application of intelligent temperature control composite material in infrared camouflage is summarized and predicted .

    最后对智能 温控复合材料在红外隐身技术中的应用进行了总结和展望。

  • This paper introduces standards and measures about temperature control of concrete on main tower of Guanhe super-large bridge .

    介绍了灌河特大桥主塔承台混凝土的 温度 控制标准和温控措施,阐述了温控监测的内容、方法和效果。

  • Advanced temperature control device and reasonable stirring device ensure the best frying quality .

    采用先进的 温控系统和合理的搅拌装置,保证食品最佳的油炸效果。

  • A kind of parameter self-regulation fuzzy controller used in the temperature control system of furnace is introduced .

    介绍了一种用于 炉温 控制系统中基于参数自调整的单片机模糊控制器。

  • The instrument adopts the advanced digital temperature control technology high precision of temperature control temperature stability .

    本仪器采用先进的数字 温度 控制技术,控温精度高,水浴温度稳定性好。

  • This series of products with high precision temperature control stability reliability .

    本系列产品 温度 控制精度高、稳定性可靠。

  • In this paper the coiling temperature control of a typical steel strip mill is investigated .

    详细研究了一个实际的热轧带钢卷取 温度 控制系统。

  • This paper presents a temperature control system of the shaft furnace .

    本文简要介绍井式炉的 温度 控制系统。

  • It 's time to design and realize the timing sprinkling irrigation system under temperature control for the first time .

    该设计首次实现了 温度 控制下的定时喷灌系统。

  • Decline in the quality of surimi can be effectively avoided by temperature control in the dehydration process of surimi .

    在鱼糜脱水过程中进行 温度 控制,可以有效避免鱼肉因长时间的挤压而影响鱼糜产品质量。

  • Fluidized Bed Temperature Control System Design Based on Labwindows / CVI and Fuzzy PID Algorithm

    基于Labwindows/CVI和模糊PID算法的流化床 温控系统设计

  • Presents the component terminal device air supply temperature control characteristics and applicability of the system .

    介绍了其系统构成、末端装置、送风 温度 控制、特点与适用性。

  • This heating system has an automatic temperature control .

    这个暖气系统有自动 温控 装置

  • The secondary side water supply temperature control belongs to great inertia and long delay system for central heating .

    集中供热系统二次侧供水 温度 控制属于大惯性、大迟延系统。

  • Microcomputer temperature control system precise temperature control system and excellent thermal insulation system .

    微电脑 升温 控制,精确的温控系统和优良的隔热系统。

  • With this method the impact of temperature control valve on oil temperature was analyzed and the system transient temperature prediction method was established .

    应用本文的计算模型分析了 温控活门对滑油温度的影响,并建立了预测燃、滑油瞬态温度值的方法,为发动机的安全运行提供了指导。

  • On this basis the temperature control system for this type stack is designed and the fuzzy-PID fusion control algorithm is used .

    在此基础上设计了该类电堆的 温度 控制系统,提出了模糊PID融合控制算法。

  • On circuit design chip peripheral expansion to achieve temperature control and regulation functions .

    通过对电路的设计,对芯片的外围扩展,来达到对 温度 控制和调节功能。

  • With a temperature control and cooling system operation is simple and sealing reliable .

    温度 控制和冷却系统,操作简单,封口可靠。

  • It introduces the principle of the automatic temperature control system of nacelle for airplane describes the design of this system and analyzes the hardware and software of the system .

    介绍了飞机吊舱自动 温度 控制系统的原理,并对飞机吊舱自动 温度 控制系统的设计方法进行了阐述,同时对自动 温度 控制系统的软硬件实现过程进行了分析。

  • A MAX1978-based temperature control system with a closed-loop control structure is designed .

    设计了一种基于MAX1978的 温度 控制系统。