ten to one

[tɛn tu wʌn][ten tu: wʌn]


  • In view of the situation that building a wet gas cabinet outnumbering the carrying wet gas cabinet ten to one at the insufficient fire distance place taking the spot investigation and safety system analysis to formulate the feasible plan and the construction task is completed smoothly .

    针对正在运行的湿式煤气柜防火间距不够的位置动火建造 10 的湿式煤气柜的实际情况,采取现场调查、安全系统分析,制订切实可行的措施,顺利完成施工任务。

  • So few have imagination that there are ten thousand fiddlers to one composer .

    很少人有那种想象力,想像 作曲家如何安排 一万 小提琴手。

  • Ten to one the teacher made a mistake .

    可能老师犯了 个错误。

  • We have had a few songs in the top ten but we really hope to have a number one hit some day .

    我们已经有几首歌进入前 10 ,但是我们确实 希望将来有一天有 头号轰动性的作品问世。

  • Yet only one in ten of those polled considered themselves able to speak one of them .

    然而,只有 十分之一的被调查者自认会说这三门外语中的

  • When I cut off your supply of bread ten women will be able to bake your bread in one oven and they will dole out the bread by weight .

    我要折断你们粮食的支杖;那时必有 女人只在 手提炉子 你们烤饼,又按分量将饼交回你们;

  • Why Baba waited until I was ten to have me circumcised was beyond me and one of the things I will never forgive him for .

    爸爸为什么要等到我 我割包皮呢?我百思不得其解,这也是我永远无法原谅他的事情 之一

  • Why the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were-let 's see exactly what he said-he said the chances were ten to one !

    瞧,医生今天早晨还告诉我,说你迅速痊愈的机会是,让我一字不改地照他的话说吧&他说有 把握。

  • On this project large features were hard to fit into the prioritized list for a release ; the client often preferred ten smaller items to one large item even if that large item was important .

    在本项目中,大型特性很难填入到一个版本的优先表中;比起 大项目,客户通常更愿意选择 10 较小的项目,即使那个大项目很重要。

  • Would ten to one be convenient ?

    十二 五十分行

  • Wu sun-fu glanced at his watch and saw that it was already ten minutes to one .

    吴荪甫看表, 点钟只差 十分

  • Somehow it had taken us ten years to bite the bullet on that one which had never earned us a dime .

    对这 从未给我们挣一分钱的买卖,我们苦苦容忍了 年。

  • Word spread from one to ten ten to one hundred and the market crashed .

    消息一传十, ,神话破灭了。

  • Five over ten can be reduced to one over two .


  • Nor would I because the number of people who have justified my trust are ten to one to those who have abused it . And I know that on occasion I have myself perhaps inadvertently failed to live up to some trust reposed in me .

    毕竟值得我信任与辜负我信任的 数目之比 10:1,并且我知道,也许在无意之中,我自己也辜负了别人对我的信任。

  • The enemy outmanned us ten to one .

    敌军人数比我们 多十倍。

  • Ten thousand pounds to one penny .

    一万英镑 便士。

  • Ten little nigger boys went out to dine ; One choked his little self and then there were nine .

    小黑人, 为了吃饭去奔走;噎死 没法救, 只剩九。

  • He planted Muscat Hamburg grapes over the entire ten mu of his vineyard to be picked one month later .

    他的 几十亩葡萄园都种植了玫瑰香,再过 个月就 可以采摘了。

  • Lively Spark came in first and the betting had been ten to one against him .


  • From ten feet apart they were locked in to one another solidly intimately and inextricably .

    他们在相距 英尺外紧紧 一起,牢固地,亲密地,难分难解。

  • The odds are ten to one that her horse will win the race .

    她的马获胜的可能性是 十分 之一

  • Ten to one he 'll move out after only a week .

    可能他会 星期后搬出去。

  • The chances had suddenly grown in his favor from ten to one to & fourteen to one : the greengrocer had drawn a slip and indicated carelessly and without pleasure that he was safe .

    抽中死签的可能性突然变得对他有利,从 10 1变成了14比1。经营蔬菜水果的商人也抽了一张,然后漫不经心、毫无表情地示意自己平安无事。

  • It is easier to preach ten sermons Than it is to live one .

    那是很容易去讲 场道,而很 活出 其中 来。

  • A scale of ten kilometres to the centimetre a scale of one to a million

    一厘米代表 公里的比例、一比 一百万的比例

  • Only ten minutes are needed to detect one sample ;

    检测时间不超过 分钟;