temperature diffusivity


  • In addition according to the different time of the temperature begin to rise where there is the same radial distance on the surface of different materials a new approach of measuring the thermal diffusivity for bulk materials is proposed . 2 .

    此外,根据阶跃光 激励下不同样品的表面在相等的径向距离处 升开始时间的不同,提出了一种测量材料热 扩散 的新思路。

  • Variation of Soil Temperature and Thermal Diffusivity in Vegetated and Bare Sand Dunes in Arid Desert Region

    沙漠地区人工 固沙植被对土壤 温度 土壤 的影响

  • In comparison with other classic models the improved model was characterized by directly reflecting temperature effect in water potential hydraulic conductivity and water diffusivity and without adding additional qualities or terms to reflect the mechanism of temperature effect on soil water transportation .

    与其他经典模型相比,提出的改进模型的最大特点是它在水势、水力传导系数和水的 扩散 系数中直接反映 温度效应,而不需要增加新的反映温度效应的附加项。

  • The adsorption equilibrium constants decreased with the temperature while the diffusivity increased with temperature .

    烃分子的吸附平衡常数随 温度的升高而降低,而 扩散 系数随温度的升高而增大。

  • Based on the vertical temperature profile data of natural river ice this paper establishes optimal identification model about distributed parameter system where parameters are the coefficients of fitted functions and fits coefficients of thermal diffusivity of river ice by exponential function and linear function respectively .

    依据天然河冰垂直 温度剖面数据,构造了以拟合函数的系数为参变量的分布参数系统优化辨识模型,并分别用指数函数和线性函数拟合了河冰 系数。

  • The moisture transfer characteristics of synthetic rice in the rehydration process was studied . The results showed that the moisture content and temperature of the synthetic rice would have obvious influence on the moisture diffusivity .

    对人造米复水过程水分传递特性进行了研究,结果表明:含水量和 温度扩散 系数有显著影响;

  • In this model the influences of temperature pressure and composition on liquid diffusivity were comprehensively considered .

    该模型反映了 温度、压力及组成对液相 扩散 系数的影响。

  • In addition the changes of the parameters ( the temperature the electron density the electrical conductivity the electron thermal conductivity and the electron thermal diffusivity ) along the discharge channel in one cloud lightning have been discussed .

    另外,分析讨论了一次云闪放电通道各参数( 温度、电子密度、电导率、电子的热导率和热 扩散 系数)沿通道的变化情况。

  • With the increase of temperature the adsorption equilibrium constants decrease while the effective diffusivity increases .

    实验结果表明,有效 扩散 系数温度升高而增大,吸咐平衡常数则 正好 相反

  • Simulation was conducted across wide ranges of partial pressure of water vapor in the air product initial temperature water activity diffusivity at food surface and effective diffusivity inside food .

    模拟计算涉及环境中水蒸气分压力、食品初始 温度、水分子活性、食品表面及内部 扩散力。30分钟释放压力(3)在振荡腔内的和水 作用;

  • A two layer numerical model is given which includes vertical integration equation momentum equation temperature equation and its adjoint equations to study the vertical diffusivity coefficient .

    本文给出了一个二层数值模式,包括全流方程、运动方程和 温度方程,建立了一个伴随同化模式来研究垂直 混合系数。

  • The influence of carbon content . nickel content in binder and temperature on the thermal diffusivity of WC-Co-Ni hard metals were studied .

    本文研究了配碳量、粘结相中镍含量和 温度对WC-Co-Ni硬质合会热 扩散事的影响。

  • Simultaneous temperature and thermal diffusivity measurement of ultra-high temperature material based on multi-spectral technique

    基于多光谱技术同时测量超高温材料的 温度和热 扩散

  • On the basis of the vertical temperature profile data of natural river ice the relationship between the thermal diffusivity of natural river ice ( _0.19 ~ - 14.02 ° C ) and the ice temperature is identified .

    利用天然河冰垂直剖面 温度实测数据,辨识了天然冰(-0.19~ -14.02℃)导温 系数随温度的变化关系。

  • By the self-regulating and optimized computing the effective thermal diffusivity using numerical simulation and DFP optimization method the simulation result of solidification temperature field is made accordant with the measured temperature thereby the formulae expressing the effective thermal diffusivity being changed with the temperature are finally obtained .

    采用数值计算和DFP优化技术,通过对待测液态合金有效热扩散率的优化计算使铸件凝固温度场计算结果与实测 温度 趋于一致,最终获得该合金液的有效热 扩散 随温度变化的规律。

  • Photothermal signals from anisotropic media which is irradiated by a modulated laserbeam are analyzed in the second part . The temperature field and thermal diffusivity tensor of anisotropic media is theoretically studied .

    第二部分分析了各向异性介质受调制激光束辐照下产生的光热信号,理论上推导各向异性介质的 温度场以及 热导 张量;