temperature recorder

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr rɪˈkɔrdɚ][ˈtempəritʃə riˈkɔ:də]


  • On a semi-conductor temperature recorder

    半导体 温度 自记

  • The high temperature deformation instrument for testing is composed of an oven a load sensor an indicator and a two-pen recorder .

    试验用型壳 高温变形仪由加热炉、加载传感器和显示 记录仪表三部份组成。

  • Date of bottom pressure temperature depth and tension are obtained by using an intelligent depth recorder and a storage electronic pressure gauge .

    综合测试新工艺利用智能计深 和电子压力计同时录取井下压力、 温度、深度、张力数据。

  • Multipoint long chart temperature recorder

    圆图气压 温度 记录仪多点长图式 温度 记录仪

  • Functional Evaluation of Temperature Monitor of Multiple-offered Miniature Temperature Recorder

    多段 温度小型 记录器温度监测性能的评价

  • A device for drop-freezing experiment was improved which consists of the cold-cavity thermometer controller of temperature recorder of signals cold sink and environment box .

    介绍一个改进的水滴冻结实验装置,它由冷腔、冷腔 温度控制、水滴冻结信号检测及 记录、循环散热和冷环境箱等几部分构成。

  • A design of temperature and relative humidity recorder based on PIC MCU

    基于PIC单片机的 湿度 记录仪设计

  • Application of USB host in digital temperature - humidity recorder

    USB主机在数字 湿度 记录仪 系统中的应用

  • Temperature - collection Recorder Based on PC

    基于PC机的 温度采集 记录 系统

  • The temperature recorder is based on a low power microprocessor with a timer .

    本文提出一个以带有定时器的低功耗微处理机为主体的 温度 记录器

  • Circular chart baro-thermograph bottom lining temperature recorder

    圆图气压温度记录仪炉底砌体 温度 记录仪

  • Temperature Recorder Made by Integrated Sensor and IC Card

    用集成传感器和IC卡制作的 温度 记录器

  • The image of the charges in the process of smelting at high temperature was recorded on video recorder tape or X-ray film .

    炉料在熔炼时所发生的 变化均记录在电视 录像磁带及X光胶片上。

  • A High - Accuracy Temperature Recorder

    高精度 温度 记录仪

  • The temperature auto - recorder for refrigerator

    冷库 温度自动 记录仪

  • A temperature recorder with low power consumption based on typical values recording

    基于特征值记录法的低功耗 温度 记录器

  • Install the reference materials temperature and humidity air conditioning and recorder is additional materials storehouse anti-static measure .

    航材室、资料室安装了空调和 湿度 记录仪,航材库还增设了防静电措施。

  • Bottom lining temperature recorder

    高炉 温度 自动 记录器炉底砌体 温度 记录仪

  • Temperature of a rapid-heating system was measured by advanced infrared thermometer and tape recorder .

    利用先进的红外线测温仪和磁带 记录器测定某快速加热系统的 温度

  • To necessity of greenhouse temperature and humidity course data record this text designs a suitable data recorder for temperature and humidity of greenhouse .

    针对温室 内温湿度过程数据记录的必要性,设计了一种适用于温室内的温湿度过程数据 记录仪

  • The article describes several methods of measuring on line temperature on the furnace and steel stock by means of data recorder with heat resistant and discusses the methods applied widely .

    介绍了运用耐热温度数据 记录仪对炉温、钢坯进行在线 温度测定的方法和一些新措施,并阐述了这一测定手段的意义。

  • A method to make a temperature recorder with integrated sensor and IC card is introduced in this paper .

    介绍用集成传感器和IC卡制作 温度 记录器的方法。

  • Describes the design and development of hardware and software for a kind of dynamic temperature recorder .

    本文介绍一种动态 体温 记录仪的硬件设计与软件开发。

  • Application of Temperature Compensator in Temperature Process Measuring Recorder

    温度补偿器在 温度过程测量 记录 仪表中的运用