



  • Nine out of ten families are gone .


  • Almost overnight she had aged ten years and become fat .

    她几乎一夜之间老了 10岁,人也胖了。

  • I have walked this district for ten kilometres round .

    我已跑遍了这一地区附近 10公里内的范围。

  • By the time we had made landfall the boat looked ten years older !

    等到我们登陆时,这艘船看似已老了 10年!

  • When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you are grown up you have to work

    我大概9岁或 10 的时候,有人跟我说人长大了就得工作。

  • My father died nigh on ten years ago but he lived to see his first grandson

    我父亲过世差不多 10年了,不过他活着时见到了第一个孙儿的出世。

  • After dwelling in Rio for ten years she moved to Lisbon .

    她在里约居住了 10年之后迁居到里斯本去了。

  • Over the past ten years things have changed .

    过去 10年间,情况已发生了变化。

  • The school has been empty for ten years .

    学校已经空置 10年了。

  • The 26-year old fullback has been on trial at the club for ten days .

    那位26岁的后卫已经在该俱乐部试用 10天了。

  • It 's a wonder that it took almost ten years

    这差不多用了 10年的时间,真是桩奇事。

  • A boy of about ten came up on roller-skates .

    一个 10岁左右、脚蹬旱冰鞋的男孩滑了过来。

  • She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes .

    她围绕这个主题添枝加叶地说了大约 10分钟。

  • During his serious illness he lost over ten jin .

    他害了一场大病,体重掉了 十多斤。

  • He stayed in Beijing for ten days .

    他在北京待了 10天。

  • The calming effect seemed to last for about ten minutes

    镇静效果好像持续了大约 10分钟。

  • I arrived at half past ten .


  • When I met the Gills I had been gardening for nearly ten years .

    遇到吉尔一家时我已经做了近 10年的园艺工作。

  • He has walked almost ten miles .

    他已走了差不多 10英里。

  • The plane landed ten minutes ago .

    飞机在 10分钟前着陆了。

  • Suddenly she looked ten years older

    突然间她看起来老了 10岁。

  • For ten days I continued in this state .

    我的这种状况持续了 10天。

  • He has been a Party member for ( over ) ten years .

    他入党已 10年了。

  • Ten minutes later we were sluicing off dust at the fountain in the town centre .


  • The trouble began just after ten o'clock last night

    昨晚刚过 10点钟麻烦就开始了。

  • Ten thousand copies of the book were sold .

    那本书卖了 1 册。