temporary respite

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈrɛspɪt][ˈtempərəri ˈrespɪt]


  • At midnight my temporary respite from blindness would cease and permanent night would close in on me again .

    午夜,我那 短暂的失明 的重见 状态就终止了,永恒的黑夜重又回到我身上。

  • The move came as the dollar found temporary respite from recent selling pressure edging higher in still-volatile and anxious trading .

    与此同时,美元汇率从最近的抛压中得到一个 暂时 喘息 机会,在仍旧震荡和不安的交易中微幅上涨。

  • An immediate temporary suspension of that mandate would give some respite to the market and allow more of the crop to be channelled towards food and feed uses .

    立即 暂停执行上述 联邦法令,将为市场提供一定的 喘息 空间,让更多的玉米流向粮食和饲料用途。

  • Changing your grip may bring temporary respite or calamity .

    或许抓个不同的部位会 暂时 缓解 局面,但也可能大祸临头。

  • Viagra does come with potential side effects and some men might not appreciate experiencing a temporary respite from erectile dysfunction at30 feet .

    当然伟哥是有副作用的,一些男士难以接受在30000英尺高空发生 暂时性勃起功能异常。

  • Agricultural experts widely agree that the drop in food prices is only a temporary respite .

    农业专家广泛认为粮价下跌只是 暂时的。

  • The pump-priming of government budgets through deficits and recapitalisation of banks offers only a temporary respite to the crisis .

    政府通过承担预算赤字和对银行实施资本重组来刺激经济的方式,只能 暂时 延缓这场危机。

  • Six months later Lipatti started X-ray treatment and temporary respite allowed him to resume some touring .

    六个月后,李帕蒂开始X射线治疗, 暂时 缓和允许他恢复一些巡回演出。