temporary policy

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈpɑlɪsi][ˈtempərəri ˈpɔləsi]


  • While temporary fiscal adjustment curbs demand changing the fiscal policy strategy can bring more revenue and more growth .

    尽管 暂时的财政调整会抑制需求,但财政 政策战略的转变,能够带来更多的收入与增长。

  • Escape by people as a temporary for a period of military policy prior to entering Manchuria has great positive significance .

    逃人法作为一项军事时期的 临时 政策,对入关之前的满洲有着巨大的积极意义。

  • The other is about the temporary measures which Jiang Kai-shik and other generals at the front took to meet an emergency and National Government 's comprehensive policy adjustments soon after this incident .

    二是事发后,以蒋介石为首的前线将领采取的 临时应急措施及国民政府全方位的 政策调整。

  • To help low income elderly households living in non-self-contained private flats or temporary structures the government pledged in the2000 policy address to help eligible elderly people to apply for public housing .

    对于那些在没有独立设施的私人楼宇或 临时搭建物居住的低收入长者住户,政府在二零零零年的《 施政报告》中承诺会协助合资格的长者申请公屋。

  • The US economy probably grew by a weaker than expected 1 per cent in the first quarter of this year but growth should accelerate in the months to come as temporary factors dissipate a senior Fed policy maker said on Monday .

    一位美联储(Fed)资深 政策制定者周一表示,今年第一季度美国经济增长率可能为1%,低于预期,但随着 临时 因素消失,今后几个月的增长应该会加速。

  • The struggle against corruption carried out by the Party and the state must provide permanent as well as temporary solutions to the problem and adopt a policy of comprehensive management so as to prevent and eliminate corruption effectively .

    我们党和国家反腐败,必须要坚持 标本、综合治理的 方针,真正从根源上预防和治理腐败。

  • In the price strategy electrovalency policy is fluctuant and frequent business services charges policy lag temporary power supply service policy default .

    在价格策略上,电价政策变动频繁,营业性服务收费政策滞后, 临时 供电服务 政策缺省。

  • The temporary difficulties arising from ( or out of ) the implementation of a new economic policy

    实行新的经济 政策而出现的 阵痛

  • I think however there is a case for temporary interest rate cuts in Europe but only on condition that this policy would be forcefully reversed once credit markets start to recover and once the economy emerges from the slump .

    不过,我认为欧洲有理由 暂时下调利率,但必须以此为前提:即一旦信贷市场开始复苏,一旦经济开始好转,欧洲央行就会大力扭转 政策方向。

  • While some analysts said this could be a temporary phenomenon linked to restocking of raw materials others said it could be the result of firming domestic demand following gradual easing of policy in recent weeks .

    一些分析师称,这有可能是重新储备原材料造成的 短期现象,而其他分析师则称,也有可能是随着最近几周 政策的逐渐放松,强劲内需推动的结果。

  • He described the dollar peg as a temporary response to the global financial crisis but gave no timescale for any change in policy .

    他把与美元固定汇率汇兑描述成应付全球金融危机的一项“ 临时”对策,但却没有给出 政策任何变化的时间表。

  • The blue skies that blessed events after the first few days of the Games were more the result of temporary measures than long-term policy .

    在奥运头几天后一直伴随着赛事的蓝天,更多的是 临时措施而非长期 政策的结果。

  • Therefore to enhance the technological innovation capability of small and medium-sized listed companies it is a temporary expedient to make variety policy support from outside .

    因此,若要提升中小上市公司的技术创新能力,从外部进行各种 政策支持仅仅是 权宜之计,只有从内部构建中小上市公司技术创新的内源性动力机制才是 治本之策。