


  • Computer science telecommunication engineering and mechanics majors are of this kind .

    计算机科学、 通信工程和机械制造都是这类的专业。

  • Brazilian Telecommunication Company Research and Development Centre

    巴西 电讯公司研究和发展中心

  • This website 's clear to promoted the telecommunication broadband business to play the positive role .

    本网站的开通对促进 电信宽带业务发挥了积极作用。

  • A proposal to setup enterprise information portal of telecommunication network management is given .

    提出了建立 电信网络管理信息门户的构想。

  • This article mainly addresses the maintenance period of clock frequency of SPC exchanges in China 's telecommunication network .

    本文主要讨论我国 电信网中程控交换局时钟频率维护周期的确定问题。

  • Create electrical and telecommunication floor plans for design and construction including outlets switches and fixtures .

    创建电气和 电信平面布置图,对插座、开关和配件等进行设计和构建。

  • The company has hired a variety of talented professionals with advanced network technology background and telecommunication software development experience .

    公司集合了各种优秀的专业技术人才,具有先进的技术水平和丰富的 电信 软件系统开发的经验。

  • Collection of regional telecommunication infrastructure development in China in2003 .

    2003年我国部分地区 通信 网络基础设施发展情况汇总。

  • The traditional telecommunication operator has the ripe regular telephone network and monopoly positions to local traffic .

    传统 电信运营商拥有成熟固定的电话网,对本地话务具有垄断地位;

  • The Research of Telecommunication Product Test 's System Evaluation and Application


  • The main customers for the wire and cable industry are the automotive telecommunication and construction industries .

    对电线电缆行业的主要客户是汽车, 电信和建筑等行业。

  • The telecommunication companies have built powerful servers to make sense of the data and produce visualized results .


  • He also participated in the research and drafting of China Telecommunication Law and China Anti-trust Law .

    他还参加了中国《 电信法》、《反垄断法》的调研与起草。

  • Source Photonics is a leading provider of optical communication products used in telecommunication systems and data communication networks .

    索尔思光电公司是一家光通讯产品的领先供应商,其产品主要用于 电信 通信网络和数据通讯网络。

  • Research and Design on Shaanxi Electric Power Telecommunication Integrated Network Management System

    陕西电力 通信 综合网管系统的研究和设计

  • Noting that considerable progress has been achieved in developing and applying the latest information technologies and means of telecommunication .

    注意到在发展和应用最新的信息技术和 电信手段方面取得了显著进展。

  • The Research and Design of User Management Subsystem in Telecommunication Billing System


  • Multimedia service is the new profit of telecommunication businesses .

    多媒体业务将是 电信 网络 运营商新的利润增长点。

  • This remarkable achievement took place without the benefit of our modern telecommunication industry .

    这项非凡成就的取得并没有借助于现代 电信业这个有利条件。

  • The research results herein can offer beneficial reference in the development public telephone system for the telecommunication operator .

    本文的研究成果为 电信运营商在发展公用电话系统中可提供有益的参考。

  • In telecommunication a subscriber set such as a telephone .

    远程 通信 技术中,一种诸如电话之类的用户设备。

  • Inordertodevelop FMC China Netcom currently without mobile telecommunication service is actively research product packaging strategies .

    为顺应FMC发展趋势,在当前没有移动 通信业务的情况下,中国网通积极研究产品捆绑策略。

  • Technology and market together impel the telecommunication industry to implement leap-forward development .

    技术和市场共同推动了 信息产业的跨越式发展。

  • In the main study we tested hypotheses in two telecommunication companies .

    在主要研究中,我们在两个 通信公司中进行了假设测试。

  • Design Calculi and Research for Telecommunication Systems project


  • On this basis the telecommunication interference caused by this DC link is calculated and evaluated .

    在此基础上对该线路的 电信干扰进行了计算和评估。

  • In the telecommunication industry cell phone services are different from internet services .


  • Recently there have been many new telecommunication services .

    最近出现了许多 电信新业务。