word space

[wɚd spes][wə:d speis]


  • The segmentation of the text image including the line segmentation word segmentation and letter segmentation among which the line and the word segmentation are based on the space between the text and the words .

    对文本图像进行了切分,包括行切分、词切分和字母切分。其中,行切分和 切分根据文本间和单词间的 空隙进行。

  • In a word the entrance space of colleges and universities design should be from the scale order form traffic environmental and other planning to design perspective .

    总之,高校入口 空间的设计要从规模、秩序、形态、交通、环境等多角度去规划设计。

  • Latent Semantic Indexing ( LSI ) is one of the term extraction methods which can project the terms form word space to laten semantic space and solve the two problems at the same time .

    潜在语义索引是一种特征抽取的方法,它可以将特征从 空间映射到语义空间,同时解决这两个问题。

  • The present Web mining technology especially the core algorithmic of Web document classification and clustering are based on statistical word frequency Vector Space Model ( VSM ) .

    目前Web挖掘技术中,特别是Web文本的分类、聚类,采用的核心算法是基于 词频统计的矢量 空间模型算法。

  • Supervised word sense disambiguation based on vector space model

    基于向量 空间模型的有导 词义消歧

  • Relationship Accordingly in this theory background the author of vocabulary from linguistics tries to find a word of old houses space settlement kuqa national features and regional characteristics .

    因此,在这个理论背景下,笔者从语言学中的语汇一 出发,试图发现库车老城区聚落民居 空间的民族特色和地域性等方面的特征。

  • Accordingly the research will be conducted centered with these four factors . Firstly the rationality of the layout of the primary mathematic textbooks ( three different versions ) is to be analyzed including character style word size word space and page number .

    一是对三个版本的小学数学教科书版面设计因素的合理性进行研究分析,包括字体、字号、 间距 间距四周 空白 宽度以及页码等。

  • Using the technique of Explicit Semantic Analysis we map Web query into the space of Wikipedia concept . Then the traditional classification method can be applied in the Wikipedia concept space instead of the conventional word space .

    通过显式语义分析方法将Web查询映射到Wikipedia概念空间中,然后在该概念 空间中利用类似于传统 文本分类的方法进行分类。

  • Research on the key techniques and typical methods of text categorization are being done and the method of text categorization based on word vector space model is presented in the dissertation .

    本文对文本分类的关键技术及典型分类方法进行了研究,提出基于 向量 空间模型的文本分类方法。

  • Based on the specific situation ( success failure ) of Query Disambiguation two distinct types of Document Semantic Relevance Measure namely Semantic Vector Space Model based Document Relevance and Word Vector Space Model based Document Relevance are proposed in this dissertation .

    本文根据查询消歧的具体情况(成功、失败),提出两种文档语义相关性度量的方法:基于语义向量空间模型的文档相关性和基于 词汇向量 空间模型的文档相关性。

  • Solution Strategies for Word Sense Problems Based on Vector Space Model and Maximum Entropy Model

    基于矢量 空间模型和最大熵模型的 词义问题解决策略

  • To avoid wide word space letter space may be introduced but the visual effect are still not satisfactory for high quality work .

    为避免 单词 间距过阔,可在字母间加间距,但以高品质工作计,视觉效果仍未使人满意。

  • In another word the informatization level of space institutions is a reflection of its R & D capabilities .

    之, 航天院所信息化水平的高低是其研发能力强弱的一个反映。

  • The real word is the first human living space and the network world is the second .

    现实 社会是人类第一生存 空间,网络社会是人类第二 生存 空间

  • The whole content is as follows : Introduction : The key word the third space in the title will be explained as a concept .

    现将各部分内容概述如下:导论:对本论文题目当中关键 词语第三度 空间进行概念上的阐述。

  • There are too much things to do reading or not in a word the space should be quiet and pure no noisy the rain has already established a gentle atmosphere so no music need temporarily .

    有太多的事情可做,读书或者不读, 总之空间应是安静的单纯的,不需要喧嚣,雨声给我的感觉本来就非常好了,暂时不需要音乐。

  • The second part is the definition of denotation and connotation of the space dimension adjectives of Korean and Chinese analyzing the word meaning of the space dimension adjectives of Korean and Chinese .

    第二部分界定韩汉空间维度的外延和内涵,对韩汉 空间维度 进行语义分析。

  • Then each of the location by analyzing the definition of the word the word from the direction of space light and cut into the relationship between terms defined the essence of the word direction .

    然后通过分析各家对方位词的定义,从方位 空间、参照和名词的关系切入,明确了方位词的实质。

  • Document – This widget enables you to show a Word document in your business space .

    Document&此小部件使您可以在业务 空间中显示 Word文档。

  • Most of the existing text intelligent processing systems are using word based vector space model to represent text .

    现有的文本智能处理系统中大多采用基于 词语的向量 空间模型表示文本。

  • In this text we will begin at the word ' space structure ' and point out purpose of it is construct a form whole rigorously .

    本文从 空间架构一 入手,指出 空间架构的目的旨在营造一个严谨的建筑性的形式整体。

  • The event of Tess Durbeyfield 's return from the manor of her bogus kinsfolk was rumoured abroad if rumour be not too large a word for a space of a square mile .

    苔丝·德北菲尔德从她那个冒牌本家回来了这件事,已经四处传说开了,如果说在一英里 方圆的地面上使用传说 这个 不算太大的话。

  • By simulating the word space network to electrical network we effectively simplify the calculation of complex sparse term relationship network of word association focused on solving the short text query expansion problems .

    通过将 空间上的 连接网络模拟在电路上,以电导率 表征 相似性,有效度量并简化了复杂稀疏的词关系网络中词关联性的计算,重点解决了短文本的查询扩展问题。

  • Comparing with the common document watermarking methods which usually changing the line space or word space to embed watermarks this algorithm can hide more information and remain unconverted to geometric distortions .

    与常规的通过调整行间距和调整 间距的文档结构微调法相比,该方法嵌入水印的容量大,抗剪切等几何攻击能力强。

  • Scientists were using the word to describe space transportation as early as 1952 .

    早在1952年,科学家们就开始用这个 来描述 太空运输工具了。

  • If a space delimits the control word the space does not appear in the document .

    如果是第一种情况, 空格并不会出现在文档中。

  • In order to preprocess network data we use segmentation tags to realize word segmentation and apply vector space model to transform text information into structured data .

    在信息内容处理方面,采用设立切分标志进行文本信息的预处理,在此基础上,基于向量 空间模型实现 文档的结构化表示;

  • CN-V model is the kernel of this dissertation which can be divided into two phase : ( 1 ) Transform text from word space into concept space ;

    多视图概念网络模型是本文的核心内容,它的生成可以划分为两个阶段:(1)从 空间到概念空间的变换;

  • Because a pun is usually short and expresses more meanings with less word and less space it is frequently employed in advertisement to attract more audience . Nowadays puns are widely adopted in daily life .

    因为双关语简短,并且用少量的 词语 空间表达更多的意思,广告中经常使用这种策略来吸引更多的受众。现在双关语被广泛地使用着。