word capacity

[wɚd kəˈpæsɪti][wə:d kəˈpæsiti]


  • Fa is a wonderfully multivalent word : it refers to the capacity of ritual performed by experts to be magically effective – these ritual experts are lumped together now as Daoists ;

    法是个具有多重意义的 :它可以指宗教仪式上法师所履行的神奇有效的 法事(这些法师现在统称道士);

  • In a word considering the present status of power electronic technology active power capacity of APF can not reach the requirement of harmonic suppression for power system with high load capacity furthermore the pure active power filter is not cost effective .

    总之,根据目前电力电子技术的水平,APF的有源 容量还难以达到电力系统的高容量负载的谐波抑制要求,且采用纯有源容量的APF其运行是不经济的。

  • If you are working on a word processor you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands .

    如果你正借助 文字处理器进行工作,只需通过几个简单的键盘指令,你就可以利用它来进行 加或移动整段文字。

  • To improve productivity and capacity almost all business leader first thought way is to increase the people and equipment to build the plant . In a word they are only through increasing resources to increase the output capacity and to meet customer demand .

    对于提升产能,几乎所有的企业经营者第一时间想到的办法就是要增加人员和设备,盖厂房,或者 简单 就是增加资源的投入从而达到增加产出、提高 产能的目的。

  • In other word information building of enterprise reflects competition capacity of enterprise .

    可以 企业的信息化从一 侧面反映了企业的竞争 能力

  • The representation of result of these teams is mainly of diagrammatic with support of brief data and word description as to the description of weak / strong block capacity of the opponent it provides the appropriate description .

    这些队伍的结果呈现以图表为主,辅以简洁的数据与 文字说明,对对手拦网 强弱的描述给予了适当的说明。

  • In a word the affect on the uncertainty of the content of nitrogen with capacity method was the volume change with the temperature change .

    通过评估, 得出影响 容量法氮含量测定不确定度的主要因素是温度变化引起的体积变化。

  • In a word since semi-rigid connections when subjected to moderate or strong earthquakes become inelastic more quickly than their fully rigid counterparts consideration of their energy absorption capacity is important .

    总之,当受到中震或强震时,半刚性连接比完全刚性连接更快的进入非弹性,因此考虑它的耗能 能力十分重要。

  • Thus this study will be grass-roots word extract of the human class standard is set to two namely : First : Gestalt in the same level of vocabulary ; second : the word significant to quantify the sense of the word metaphor capacity .

    因而,本研究.。将人体类基层词提取标准设为两条,即:第一:在同一层次词汇中具有完形;第二:词语的显著性,量化为 的义项、隐喻 能力

  • In a word we can see from that although inverted trapezoid ridge waveguide has bigger attenuation constant it has bigger power capacity .

    由此可见倒梯形脊波导虽然具有相对较大的衰减常数,但同时也具有很大的功率 容量,因此可作为一种 优良的微波传输线。

  • Total emission control of water pollutants is based on natural water dilution of pollutants and autopurification theory in another word natural water has some environmental capacity on pollutants .

    水污染物的总量控制是建立在天然水体对污染物具有稀释扩散和自净作用理论上, 天然水体对污染物具有一定环境 容量的基础上。

  • In a word as the first line of defence the concealed bracings have important effects in the aspects of confining the developing of cracks and increasing integrative seismic capacity . 2 .

    暗支撑作为第一 防线,它在限制裂缝开展提高综合抗震 能力中有重要作用。

  • Research on Improving Information Hiding Capacity for Word Text Document

    提高 Word文本文档信息隐藏 容量的方法研究

  • In a word it can strengthen the core capacity and improve the capacity of competition and profit .

    从而强化企业的核心 能力,提高企业竞争力和盈利能力。

  • Experiment 3 examined the issue concerning whether access to word meanings in the L2 mental lexicon would be constrained by individual differences in working memory capacity of Chinese-speaking learners of English .

    实验三研究工作记忆 广度中的个体差异是否抑制学习者对第二语言 单词语义信息的提取问题,还探索了工作记忆和第二语言词汇知识水平的相关性。

  • Although the long jump triple jump to the distant from the word but more importantly the need for higher capacity bouncing ( height ) .

    虽然跳远、三级跳要的是“远” 距离,但更需要有更高的弹跳 能力(高度)。

  • Student counselors ' main task is political education for college students need to guide college students to form a correct philosophy about the word life at the same time guide students to develop good psychological quality and good character and enhance their living capacity .

    辅导员是大学生思想政治教育工作的承担者,他们需要引导大学生形成正确的 世界观和人生观;同时要引导学生养成良好的心理品质和优良的品格,增强学生的生活 能力

  • Using SDC both the word length of microinstruction and the capacity of control memory can be reduced at least 50 % cost of microprocessor chip can be reduced and cost / performance of microprocessors can be improved .

    用分组直接控制法可使微指令 字长和控制存储器的 容量减少50%以上,可降低微处理器芯片的成本、提高微处理器的性能价格比。

  • However due to errors introduced by limited word capacity of the computer the calculated principal modes may suffer serious distortion and the residual moments may jump irregularly from certain rotating speeds onward so that the calculation would often result in failure .

    由于计算机 字长是有限的,从某些转速开始,所算得的振型会严重失真,剩余力矩也会出现不规则的跳动现象,从而使计算结果失败。

  • The word stores is a catch-all for all types of jettisonable fuel tanks bomb shapes and other capacity devices .

    “外挂” 这个 是各种可投放的油箱,炸弹形物体和其他容器的 总称

  • In one word you should be and should present yourself as a contributor to the company as a person of high personal standing with a capacity for leadership .

    简而言之,你应该成为一个公司的贡献者,站在领导高度并 具备领导才能。

  • In modern Chinese language the word zi is one of the typical suffixes with the strongest word-forming capacity .

    “子”是现代汉语中最典型、 构词 能力最强的后缀之一。

  • 161 classifier measure words can be classified into six sorts : ( 1 ) classifier measure word of capacity and weight unit .

    量词共有161个,它们可分为六类:1. 度量衡单位 量词

  • The word of Ecosystem Carrying Capacity ( ECC ) comes from Ecology and was initially applied to studies on living beings number in nature ecosystem .

    承载 来自生态学,最初应用于对自然生态系统中生物数量的研究。