


  • This machine has terse structure convenient operation steady working system and wide adjustable range .

    本机结构 简洁,操作简便,运行平稳,调整范围大。

  • Terse and witty and like a maxim .


  • YAML is terse but still readable .

    YAML很 简洁,但仍然具有可读性。

  • Experience has shown that a more verbose topic space is preferable to a terse less descriptive space .

    经验表明,详细描述的主题空间要比 简单 扼要的空间更可取。

  • The language is terse and precise .

    中语言 简洁而准确。

  • Be terse and ask them what they might do in your situation .


  • See how terse that code is ?

    看看这段代码有多么 简洁

  • Gaelyk is a Groovy framework whose terse syntax and coding shortcuts I 'll leverage to quickly build my GAE web application .

    Gaelyk是Groovy框架,我将利用其 简洁的语法和编码快捷方式来快速地建立我的GAEweb应用程序。

  • Your name Terse but just fine in many circumstances .

    Yourname 虽然 简洁,但是在很多情况下都适用。

  • The terse syntax is attractive to professional programmer and the compilers generate very deficient object code .

    C 语言 简洁的语法对专业编程人员很有吸引力,而且它的编译程序能够产生高效的目标代码。

  • He issued a terse statement saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday

    他发表了 简短声明,称他正在和同事讨论他的未来,并将于星期一宣布他的决定。

  • This design is an interesting mini number guessing game with a terse and graceful surface in style .

    本次课题设计的即一款界面 简洁、大方,休闲有趣的小型猜数游戏系统。

  • Some might say that Ruby 's syntax is terse and it 's that way with a purpose : this language lets you create concise working code in short order .

    有人可能会说Ruby的语法很 简洁,这正是它的意图:这种语言使开发人员可以迅速编写简洁的代码。

  • For example you might find the names used in the database too terse or verbose ; or the names might be in a foreign language .

    例如,您可能会发现数据库中使用的名称太 简洁或太罗嗦了,或者名称使用的是外语。

  • Since it 's quite terse and provide powerful features for succinctness it should be very maintainable .

    既然它很 简洁,同时又为这种简洁性提供了强大的特性,那么它应该很容易维护。

  • Some may use descriptive and verbose conventions while others may use terse and technical formats .

    有些可能采用详尽冗长的描述习惯,而其他可能采用 简洁且技术性的格式 风格

  • Construction shape is not only terse and decent but also refined and elegant .

    建筑造型 简洁大方又不失细致精美。

  • Classic Groovy was quite flexible ( and indeed terse ) when it came to variable declarations .

    经典的Groovy在变量声明上相当灵活(而且实际上很 简洁)。

  • The text prompt is no longer as terse and now uses the curses library to display your choices .

    这个文本提示现在不再 简略,使用curses库来显示您的选项。

  • The terse greetings show the infinite concern from the chairman and also the single-mindedness of the soldiers to the duty as well as their devotion to people .

    就这 简单的问候,表达了主席对士兵的无限关怀,体现了士兵对职责的忠诚,对人民的热爱。

  • It would say for example 0 – 9 . Short terse but very effective .

    比如说它 显示0~9,简短、 简洁,而且非常有效。

  • The very terse and abbreviated style typical of email communication allows little room for explanation or nuance .

    这种 简洁 便利的经典通讯方式不太适合解释或说明细微的事情。

  • His tone was terse as he asked the question .

    他提问时语气 生硬

  • The book was a collection of terse powerful articles .

    这本书是一本行 简练有力的短文集。

  • This code cheats a little by doubling a few of the shorter lines but you can see that Tcl / Tk is a remarkably terse language .

    这段代码中存在一些 像,即将长代码行划分为较短的代码行,但是您可以看到,Tcl/Tk是一种非常 简洁的语言。