


  • Woodpecker of Europe and western Asia .


  • Quickly they go to ask the woodpecker for help .


  • As I search for them I see a downy woodpecker spiraling up a birch tree its blaze of reds as sharp as a tongue of flame .

    我四处查看,发现了一支身披 厚厚 羽毛 正沿着白桦树盘旋上升,它那鲜红的 色彩宛如跳跃的火焰。

  • Stars are where a woodpecker pecked holes in the sky .

    星星是啄 鸟在天上 出来的洞。

  • Then in2004 a kayaker caught a glimpse of a majestic woodpecker in a wildlife refuge in Arkansas .

    直到2004年,一艘皮艇上的人在阿肯色州的自然保护区捕捉到了一只雄壮的 的身影。

  • The last undisputed report of an ivory-billed woodpecker in continental North America was in Louisiana in1944 .

    学术界最后一次对一只北美大陆象牙喙 发布的广为认同的报告是在1944年的路易斯安那州。

  • But if it 's a woodpecker she will find no man at all .

    但倘若看到的是一 的话那她就不会找到如意郎君。

  • The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree .


  • As most careers are at best only medium-successful the trick is not to make like a woodpecker .

    由于大多数职业最多只能算一般成功,因此,我们就不要 学习

  • The woodpecker flied for a long long distance and finally she reached the city the girl lived in at last .


  • It was the only place left with all nine European woodpecker species because he realized some of them only nest in hollow dying trees .

    这里是唯一生活着全部九种欧洲 的地方。他于是意识到,有些啄 的品种只栖身于中空的、濒临死亡的树木中。

  • What do we get if we across a woodpecker with a homing pigeon ?

    和信鸽 交配能得到什么?

  • The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found across the swampy forests of the south-eastern states .


  • John Fitzpatrick director of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and one of the leading figures in the search for the woodpecker agrees there is a high probability that the bird is gone .

    约翰·帕特里克作为康奈尔鸟类学实验室的一把手同时那次搜寻 行动中的领军人物之一,认为该种鸟类非常可能已经消失殆尽。

  • Woody Woodpecker In Crazy Castle

    伍迪 疯狂城堡

  • But they are not enough to stand on the trees . A woodpecker needs help from its tail .

    它在树上 自由 攀登可不能没有这个 神奇的尾巴。

  • Crane 's neck is long enough to catch fish and insect but to be a woodpecker crane is no good .

    鹤的脖子特长在 河边吃鱼、 小虫子很好,可是要当 不灵了。

  • Some fear the new protections might push species such as the Texas kangaroo rat or the golden-winged warbler down the same road to extinction as the ivory-billed woodpecker .

    一些人担心,新的保护动作将使如德州戴鼠鼠和金翅萤森莺这样的物种走上和象牙嘴 一样的灭绝之路。

  • Small North American woodpecker with black and white plumage and a small bill .

    北美洲的小 ,黑色或白色羽毛,小嘴。

  • Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck .


  • This Russian Woodpecker signal was traveling across the world from a transmitter near Kiev .

    这一俄罗斯“ ”信号正从基辅附近的一个发射 发出穿越世界。

  • Originally I thought I was just taking a picture of a green woodpecker flying .

    一开始我只以为自己拍下了 起来的照片。

  • I imagine the weasel gave it a go jumped on its back and then the woodpecker took off .

    我猜想当时应该是这 黄鼠狼想吃掉啄 ,于是跳到它的背上,然后 立刻 了起来。

  • If I walk through a forest in Georgia where I live and fail to see or hear the pileated woodpecker am I permitted to conclude that the bird is absent ?

    假如我在我所居住的佐治亚州穿过某个树林时没有看到北美黑 或听到它的声音,我是不是就可以说这种鸟不存在呢?

  • Wow ! Is the long red thread its tongue like that of a woodpecker ?

    哗,条红色 物体唔系 条脷,好似 噉呢?

  • Large black-and-white woodpecker of southern United States and Cuba having an ivory bill ; nearly extinct .

    美国南部和古巴长有象牙喙的大型黑白色 ;几乎已灭绝。

  • Woodpecker is a doctor she has a big hospital .


  • Black-and-white North American woodpecker having a red head and neck .


  • It all started years ago when a couple of them discovered she had a rare species of woodpecker coming to her bird feeder .

    这一切发生在多年前,有两个鸟类 学家发现有只稀有品种的 她喂食器里的食物。

  • Small American woodpecker that feeds on sap from e.g. apple and maple trees .
