


  • Woody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers ; the swollen roots contain rotenone .


  • The planting and care of woody plants especially trees . I transplanted the seedlings to the garden .

    树木栽培 木本植物的种植与护理,尤指树我把树苗移植到庭院。

  • Genus of tropical Asiatic and African shrubs and woody vines and small trees .

    在热带的亚洲和非洲的灌木和 木本藤蔓和乔木的属。

  • A tree of the genus Olea cultivated for its fruit . decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines .

    木犀科,由于其果实而被广泛种植。装饰性 木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。

  • Shrubs and small trees and woody vines .

    灌木和小型乔木和 木本攀缘植物。

  • Decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines .

    装饰性 木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。

  • Woody allen 's latest film 's a real gas .


  • Trim any tough or woody stalks from the asparagus .

    剪掉芦笋上粗硬或 掉的梗子。

  • The hard woody stems of bamboo plants ; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles .

    竹子坚硬的 木质的茎,用于建筑、工艺品和鱼杆。

  • Prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers ; Australia and Tasmania .

    匍匐或缠绕 木质藤蔓植物,有似皮革的小叶子和红色伞状花序;澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛。

  • Genus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines .

    旧大陆热带的灌木和 木质藤属。

  • She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen

    她把自己的第一张专辑献给了 伍迪·艾伦

  • Genus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stems .

    叶子和茎干里有乳状汁液的亚洲 木质藤本属。

  • Small tough woody zamia of Florida and West Indies and Cuba ; roots and half-buried stems yield an arrowroot .

    佛罗里达、西印度和古巴的一种小而硬的 木质泽米;根部和一半的茎部生长竹芋。

  • This is a woody valley .

    这是个 树木 繁茂的山谷。

  • Low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base .

    一种矮生的 木本灌木或多年生灌木,具有木质基部。

  • Shrubs and herbs and woody vines of warm regions : leadwort .

    在暖和地区的草本和 木本 木质藤本和灌木;白花丹属。

  • A young shoot representing the current season 's growth of a woody plant .

    细枝代表了当前季节 木本植物的生长状况的小枝条。

  • The grasses : chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals ; bamboo ; reeds ; sugar cane .

    草;主要是草本但一些 木本植物也包括谷类;竹子;芦苇;甘蔗。

  • Tall perennial herb of tropical Asia with dark green leaves ; cultivated for flax-like fiber from its woody stems .

    热带亚洲多年生高草本植物,叶黑绿;种植以求得到其 木质茎中的亚麻状纤维。

  • Large genus of deciduous or evergreen woody vines or erect herbs .

    落叶性或常绿 木质藤本植物或直立草本植物的一个大属。

  • Diverse genus of herbs or woody subshrubs of north temperate regions .

    北部温和地区的草本或 木质半灌木的不同的属。

  • Development and Application of EST-SSR Markers in Woody Plants

    EST-SSR标记在 木本植物中的开发和应用

  • Divided into herbaceous and woody plants both of which are the crystallization of organic compounds .

    植物分为草本植物和 木本植物,不论哪一种都是有机物的结晶。

  • Care must be taken when trimming around woody plants like shrubs and trees

    修剪灌木和乔木这样的 木本植物时必须小心。

  • Shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate Old World : jasmine ; jessamine .

    主要在热带和温带的旧大陆的灌木和 木本攀缘植物;茉莉;茉莉属。

  • Description : Woody climbers flowering on young shoots in late spring and summer into early autumn .

    描述: 木质藤本,晚春、夏和早秋时在新枝上开花。

  • Genus of tropical herbs and woody vines having trifoliate leaves and showy flowers in axillary clusters .

    长有三叶和腋生的开有艳丽的花的热带草本和 木质藤蔓植物的属。

  • This oil has a lovely woody fragrance .

    这种精油散发着怡人的 木香

  • They eat a great deal of fibrous twigs and woody material .

    它们吃大量含纤维的嫩枝和 木质物。