term bonds

[经] 定期债券,定期公司债

  • Study on Term Structure of Chinese Government Bonds

    我国 国债 期限结构特征研究

  • This paper firstly introduced the relevant concepts of the rate and the term structure of interest rates emphasized the definition and calculation of the yield to maturity and subsequently introduced the characteristic of the term structure of interest rate for government bonds .

    本文首先介绍了利率和利率期限结构的相关概念,并着重强调了到期收益率的定义与计算,介绍了 国债收益率的 期限结构特征。

  • For example regulating the structure of time term and enhancing properly the proportion of long-term treasury bonds .

    如调整 国债 期限结构,适当增加长期 国债的比重。

  • We see value in longer term government paper and expect bonds to outperform cash .

    我们可以看到 长期国债具有的价值,并预计 债券收益超越现金。

  • By using Nelson - Siegel model the paper derives the term structures for bonds in Shanghai & Shenzhen Security Exchange in 2002 and use two - and three - principal components as well as traditional duration and convexity to simulate a hedging of portfolios .

    本文首先使用Nelson-Siegel模型拟合出2002年沪深交易所 国债 利率 期限结构,然后运用2因子、3因子主成分法及久期、凸度法对交易所 上市 债券进行模拟套期保值。

  • Dynamic Analysis of Term Structure of Interest Rate of China 's Treasury Bonds

    我国 国债利率 期限结构的动态实证研究

  • 2 They can stop the fixed cash flow during the term of conversion and convert the bonds to underlying stock asset according to the formerly stipulated items and price for the convertible bonds also belong to the affiliations of the securities .

    二是作为股票衍生产品,在转换 终止固定的现金流收入,按照预先规定的品种和价格将 债券转为标的股票资产。

  • This paper will simulate the current term structure of interest rates of bonds with mathematical models and recent bond transaction data from Shanghai Stock Exchange after which it will make compare and analysis and put forth relevant policies and suggestions .

    本文利用数学模型和近期的交易所国债的交易数据,利用计量方法拟合出当前的 国债利率 期限机构,进而对其进行了研究和分析,提出相应的政策建议。

  • The paper analyses the way of enriching self-capital of four bigger business bank from four aspects including self-accumulation finance investment issuing long term subordinate bonds coming into market etc.

    本文从自我积累、财政注资、发行 长期次级 债券、上市等几个方面入手,分析了充实四大国有商业银行自有资本的途径。

  • Secondly quantitative easing monetary policy is carried out by mainly through promising maintaining low interest rates for a long time providing liquidity to financial institutions providing liquidity to finance market directly and purchasing long term government bonds .

    第二,量化宽松的货币政策主要通过降低利率并承诺维持很长一段时间、提供给金融机构流动性、向金融市场直接注入流动性和购买政府 长期 债券 个方面进行。

  • Following the present researches this thesis tries to do some systematic researches on fitting and forecasting the term structure of interest rate of government bonds in China based on the Nelson-Siegel model . Firstly we modify the Nelson-Siegel model by adding the government bond supply factor .

    在现有研究的基础上,本文试图基于Nelson-Siegel模型对我国 国债利率 期限结构的拟合和预测进行理论和实证研究。首先,本文对Nelson-Siegel模型进行修正,将国债供给因素加入其中。

  • Based on the analysis of present situation of China 's government bonds the paper has carried out theoretical and positive study on interest rate term structure of China 's government bonds .

    本文在分析我国 国债现状的基础上,对 国债利率 期限结构进行理论与实证研究。

  • And such a signal could be sent by introducing in the medium term new European bonds although to avoid any moral hazard they should cover only a limited share of public debt .

    而这样一个信号可以通过在 中期推出新的欧洲 债券来实现尽管为了避免一切道德风险,新 债券应当只占国债的很小一部分。

  • The holders of convertible bonds have two major rights : firstly they can receive a fixed cash flow during the term of conversion in that convertible bonds belong to the fixed income bonds ;

    通常 而言,可转换债券持有人拥有两项主要的权利:一是作为固定收益证券,在可转换 债券 存续 获得固定的现金流收入;

  • The Estimation on the Interest-rate Term Structure Curve of Our T Bonds

    基于我国 国债的利率 期限结构曲线估计

  • Then this article had emphatically carried on the empirical analysis to the relations between the interest rate term structure of national bonds of our country interbank and monetary policy .

    接着,本文着重对我国银行间 国债市场利率 期限结构与货币政策之间的关系进行了实证分析。

  • In the short term government loan bonds should be issued in reasonably large quantities and the relationship between preventing financial risks and the increase in loans should be well handled appropriately ;

    短期 考虑,一要保持较大的 国债发行力度,二要处理好防范金融风险和增加贷款的关系;

  • Next the ECB would only be buying short term paper or bonds that would come due in the next three years .

    第三,欧洲央行将只购买 短期债券或三年内到期 债券

  • In the first chapter the basic concept property correlative term of convertible bonds and the development process of Chinese convertible bonds are introduced briefly .

    本文在第一章简要介绍了可转换 债券的基本概念、性质、特点、相关 术语附加 条款及可转债在我国的发展历程。

  • Help companies distribute midterm and long term bond and short time financing bonds .

    协助企业发放中 长期债券和短期融资

  • The medium - term bonds are more liquid than the long-term bonds .

    中期 国债流动性好于长期国债;

  • For analyzing the term structure in Riding the yield curve B-spline is used to fit the interest rate term structure implied by treasury bonds . Performance is compared between bonds with different maturity and different holding period .

    骑乘收益率曲线策略的研究基于对利率期限结构的分析,本文使用了B样条拟合 国债隐含的利率 期限结构,并比较了策略在不同期限的债券、不同持有期的情况下的不同表现。

  • Settle the term rate and undertaking of bonds ;

    确定 债券 期限、利率、承销方式、 发行对象;

  • In his mind the widening US current account deficit would eventually top the willingness of the rest of the world to fund it causing the US dollar to crash while long term interest rates on US Treasury bonds would soar .

    他认为,美国不断扩大的经常账户赤字最终会超过世界其它地方为其提供资金的意愿,从而导致美元崩溃,同时美国 国债 长期利率将会飞速上升。

  • To further mitigate the risk that stronger member states could face potential losses as a result of a future debt restructuring by a weaker member state the EMF would have to be empowered in the medium term to impose losses on Legacy sovereign bonds .

    要进一步降低实力较强成员国可能因某一实力较弱成员国未来债务重组而面临潜在损失的风险,就必须在 中期 赋予emf迫使遗留主权 债券承担亏损的权力。

  • Last week the Fed announced the latest variant in its home-spun version of ZIRP : the so-called ' twist ' operation a move that sees it purchasing long-term bonds and mortgage securities in place of short-term term debt and government bonds .

    近期,美联储宣布实施“扭转”操作美国版零利率政策的最新表现形式:即购买长期债券和抵押贷款证券,并卖出 短期债券和政府 债券

  • The term of the company 's bonds must be about one year ;

    (一)公司 债券 期限为一年以上;

  • As the Fed Fund rate is not expected to change in the near term we continue to prefer US government bonds to cash given the strong yield differential in favour of the former .

    由于联邦基金利率预计不会在 短期 改变,相对于现金,我们继续看好美国 国债,因为后者收益率远高于前者。

  • The Chinese capital markets grow out of nothing and the financing tools vary such as short term financing bonds . With the fierce competition of the same industry the credit businesses of commercial banks face to the unprecedented challenge and the net interest margin loan decrease gradually .

    我国的资本市场从无到有,逐渐成长; 短期融资 等融资工具不断丰富;加之逐渐剧烈的同业竞争,商业银行的信贷业务受到前所未有的挑战,存贷净利差在逐渐减小。

  • Secondly I studied the term structure theories of municipal bonds and then constructed and verified a municipal bond pricing model .

    其次,基于市政 债券 期限结构理论,构建了适合的市政债券之定价模型。