term of years


  • Leases frequently run for a year or a term of years .

    租凭通常以一年或 为一个 租期

  • The charge carries a jail term of four years .

    如果指控成立,他将 服刑

  • The term of protection was10 years counted from the date of filing an application for registration or from the first commercial exploitation wherever in the world it occurred .

    保护 为10 ,自提交注册申请之日起算,或自世界任何地方首次商业利用之时起算。

  • If a motorized vehicle driver has caused a major traffic accident in violation of the traffic regulations which has caused human death due to his escaping the driver is subject to a prison term of 3 years to 7 years .

    如果机动车驾驶员违反交通规则并造成重大交通事故,因其潜逃而造成人员死亡,则驾驶员应判处3-7 徒刑

  • The Party committee of a county ( banner ) autonomous county city not divided into districts or municipal district is elected for a term of five years .

    党的县(旗)、自治县、不设区的市和市辖区的委员会,每届 任期

  • Some Opinions on Term of Years of Disability Compensation Money

    残疾赔偿金的赔偿 年限之我见

  • If convicted the four face a fine and a maximum jail term of seven years on each charge subject to a total of 20 years .

    若被判有罪,这四人将面对罚款和每项罪名最高7 刑期;若数罪并罚,总刑期最高可达20年。

  • A patent is a federal grant that gives its owner the right to exclude others from making using or selling the invention claimed in the patent for a term of years .

    专利是由联邦政府批准授予专利所有者的一种权利,该权利禁止其他人在一定 年限 制造、使用或出售在专利中所申明拥有的发明。

  • As soon as they have completed the term of eighty years they are looked on as dead in law ; their heirs immediately succeed to their estates only a small pittance is reserved for their support .

    80 之后,他们在法律上就被认定为死亡;子孙们将立即继承他们的财产,仅会保留一小部分钱用作他们的 赡养费。

  • The Commission shall elect its Chairperson and no more than two Vice-Chairpersons each of whom shall serve for a term of two years .

    委员会应选举其主席和不多于两名的副主席,每人的 任期均为 两年

  • The 219 members of the house of representatives are elected from single-member districts by universal adult suffrage for a maximum term of 5 years .

    众议院的219个成员在各个地区由成人普选出,最高 任期为5

  • He shall be eligible for reappointment only for one further fixed term of six years .

    他应有资格连任,但只能再任一届6 固定 任期

  • Niantour is a colloquial term for a number of years .

    日常生活中常用的口语 ,表示 数。

  • An American President 's term of office is four years .

    美国总统的 任期是四

  • We should like also to discuss with you the drawing up of a contract for a term of years say ten during which we shall have the exclusive right of publishing in book-form all that you produce .

    我社亦乐意与先生磋商签定一份 多年合同,比如十 ,十年之间见先生作品一律由我社以书籍形式出版。

  • The presidential term of office is 7 years and the parliamentary term of elected office is 6 years .

    总统 任期7 ,选举出的国会期限是6年。

  • The District Court tries the more serious criminal cases except murder manslaughter and rape . The maximum term of imprisonment is seven years .

    区域法院审理较严重的刑事案件,但不包括谋杀、误杀及强奸案,可判处最高 刑期

  • The strain in a long term of years has told severely on his health .


  • The principal of and interest on the Party B Loan shall be repaid over a term of ten years from the date of issuance of the JV company 's business license .

    乙方贷款的本金和利息,应自颁发合营公司营业执照之日起十 偿还。

  • Under China 's Criminal Law state secret convictions can range from a minimum prison term of five years to the death penalty .

    根据中国《刑法》,涉及国家秘密的相关刑罚,从最低5 徒刑到死刑不等。

  • The National People 's Congress is elected for a term of five years .

    全国人民代表大会每 任期5

  • Local committees of the CPPCC at various levels serve a term of five years .

    人民政协各级地方委员会每 任期5

  • We think that a term of 25 years for the lease is too long and we wish to fix it at 15 years .

    租赁 期限25 太长,我们希望定为15年。

  • The worker has worked for an uninterrupted term of ten years for the employer ;

    劳动者在该用人单位连续工作 的;

  • He will hold his office during the term of four years .

    他的任职以四 任期

  • The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United states and within every subsequent term of ten years in such manner as they shall by law direct .

    人口的实际统计应于合众国国会第一次会议后3年内和 此后每10 内,依法律规定的方式进行。

  • The maximum term of imprisonment is seven years .

    区域法院判监 刑期最高可达七

  • Article 14 Land collectively owned by peasant shall be contracted out to members of the collective economic organizations for use in crop farming forestry animal husbandry and fisheries production under a term of 30 years .

    第十四条农民集体所有的土地由本集体经济组织的成员承包经营,从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产。土地承包经营 期限为三十

  • The National Committee serves for a term of five years and holds a plenary session once every year .

    全国委员会每 任期5 ,每年举行一次全体会议。