terminal market

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈmɑrkɪt][ˈtə:minəl ˈmɑ:kit]


  • In 2002 the fixed wireless telephone terminal market startup formally when the policy on the fixed wireless telephone business being confirmed and China Mobile and China Unicom having joined in the competition .

    2002年,随着信息产业部关于无线固话 终端业务的政策明朗,中国移动、中国联通等移动通信运营商加入该业务的市场竞争,无线固话 终端 市场正式启动。

  • Present market is buyer 's market under the condition of retailers controlling the terminal market suppliers do not have perfect selling channel so the suppliers ' autonomy is weakened greatly .

    当今市场是买方市场,在零售商控制 终端 市场,而供应商又没有完善销售渠道的情况下,供应商的自主权被大大削弱。

  • And tea processing enterprises not only contact with upstream tea growers but also provide consumer goods for downstream distribution enterprises and terminal market in the industry playing the crucial role that links the preceding with the following .

    而茶叶加工企业在产业中既联系上游茶农,又为下游流通企业和 终端 市场提供消费品,发挥着承上启下的关键作用。

  • Research on the Space Programming of Terminal Market of Farm Production in New Countryside

    新农村农产品 批发 市场体系空间布局研究

  • The fierce market competition and cruel mechanism of survival of the fittest make the clothing enterprises relying on single trench and dishevelled products have been unable to win in the terminal market .

    激烈的市场竞争和残酷的优胜劣汰,使服装企业依靠单一散乱的产品已经无法取胜 终端 市场

  • The New Marketing Thought of the City Terminal Market & Based on the STV Marketing Thesis

    城市 商贸 批发 市场的新营销思路&基于STV营销理论的思考

  • This paper analyzes some factors that affect the natural gas market and probes into and sums up the competition situation of natural gas terminal market .

    分析了影响天然气市场的因素,探讨和总结了天然气 终端 市场的竞争态势。

  • With the combination of the documentary analysis comparative analysis summary and deduction this study conducted a survey research in a sample of the bookshops books terminal market and the publishing houses in Beijing .

    采用典型调查、比较研究、归纳推理等方法,对北京多家书店、图书 批发 市场、出版社进行调查研究。

  • Just at this time people understand You will win only at the terminal market it is much urgent for every company in the field to build and manage its terminals and make progress in its marketing .

    在“决胜终端”的口号甚嚣至上的时候,如何对 终端 卖场进行有效地建设和管理从而带动整个销售工作的平稳 有序进行,就成为摆在每个日化企业面前不可回避的问题。

  • This article also provides a whole set of feasible solution for those small and medium-sized enterprises focusing on domestic beverage terminal market . Meanwhile it will provide similar market strategy and operation standard to beverage industry .

    为关注国内饮料 终端 市场的中小企业提供一套相对可行的解决方案,并为业界提供相似的市场战略和运作规范。

  • Though the terminal market is more and more important for the sale of personal care there is little company that has realized the importance .

    终端 卖场在日化类产品的销售中占据着越来越重要的位置,但还有不少国内日化企业对此却缺乏足够的认识。

  • If you have a terminal market exhibits and terminal gift of purchasing plan .

    如果你有一个 终端 市场,展品和终端采购计划的礼物。

  • While exploring the styles and principles of terminal market design the author points out the best approach to promote brand image by terminal markets design .

    在探讨 终端 卖场设计风格与原则的同时,指出了终端塑造品牌形象的最佳途径。

  • Methods : Hepatitis A virus from cell cultivation simulate contaminated aquatic products and aquatic products in Shanghai terminal market were detected by direct-RNA-extracted RT-PCR and antibody capture RT-PCR method .

    方法:采用抗体捕获RT-PCR和直接RNA提取RT-PCR对细胞传代的甲肝病毒、模拟染毒水产品中甲肝病毒、上海 农贸 市场水产品中的甲肝病毒进行检测。

  • But after entering into WTO china promises that open oil retailing market in three years and oil wholesaling market in five years to the outside world . Which lead to more and more acute competition in readymade oil products terminal market .

    但加入WTO之后,我国承诺三年放开石油零售市场、五年放开石油批发市场,从而使成品油 终端 市场的竞争日趋激烈。

  • To promote the higher stage development of the terminal market of our country some valid measures and proposals were put forward '

    为进一步促使我国 批发 市场向更高阶段发展,提出若干有效的措施和建议。

  • The thesis seem agricultural products export as systems engineering ( terminal market intermediate logistics advantage products industry cooperation ) it is research the potential on the key of systems engineering .

    本文将农产品出口作为一个系统工程( 终端 市场中间物流优势产品产业合作),对系统工程的主要环节做潜分析,并以此作为总的出口潜力。

  • Enhance Yarn Vogue in The Base of Textile Terminal Market

    以纺织 终端 市场为目标提升纱线时尚性

  • Have to large terminal market !

    到大型 批发 市场有!

  • In order to meet the bandwidth requirement of the system and be competitive in the prosperous mobile terminal market the ADC should has high sampling rate while maintain a low power consumption .

    为了满足超宽带系统带宽的需求,以及在蓬勃发展的移动通信 终端 市场中保持竞争力,模数转换器必须具有高采样率同时维持较低的功耗。

  • Shou Guang as the vegetable production and terminal market in north China promoted the adjustment of whole agricultural structure and the development of regional economy .

    寿光,做为我国北方蔬菜生产、 集散地,以蔬菜 产业发展带动了整个农业产业结构的调整,促进了区域经济的发展。

  • In the society recently costume enterprises pay more attention to the terminal market of costume gradually in order to seek the better developmental pattern and establishing visual image of terminal market play a decisive role to clothing brands .

    当今社会服装企业为寻求更好的发展模式,服装 终端 卖场逐渐被重视,建立服装系统终端卖场的视觉形象对于服装品牌有着举足轻重的意义。

  • With the changing of food price and the open of market the food circulation market system of which the terminal market is center and retail markets are wings has become more and more perfect .

    随着粮食产品在价格、经营方面对市场的逐步开放,粮食流通市场在以 批发 市场为中心,以 收购 市场和零售市场为两翼的体系地不断发展完善。

  • Regional distributed characteristics analysis of terminal market in belting

    北京市 集贸 市场空间分布特征研究

  • By the year 2012 some LNG import projects have completed and put into production . The supply of LNG resources increases greatly . The import produces LNG distribution logistics transport demand and the transportation tools in the from oil to gas projects become LNG terminal market .

    截止2012年,我国多个LNG进口项目竣工投产,进口LNG资源供应大大增加,产生LNG分拨物流的运输需求,油改气交通运输工具成为LNG巨大的 终端 市场

  • Objective To explore the target procurement mode of the third terminal from the characteristics opportunities and risks of the third terminal market .

    目的从第三 终端 市场的特点、机遇和风险出发,探讨第三终端的目标采购模式。

  • Android operating system by virtue of the excellent stability and openness of the source code constantly improve the intelligent terminal market share .

    Android操作系统凭借着出色的稳定性和源代码的开放性,不断地提高在智能 终端 市场的份额。