terminal station

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈsteʃən][ˈtə:minəl ˈsteiʃən]


  • This paper also briefly introduced wireless TC35 module the hardware design of each terminal station and peripheral circuit of the MCU .

    还简单介绍了系统使用的无线模块 TC35和各个 终端的硬件设计及单片机的外围电路设计的流程和原理。

  • In this paper the features and modes of operation of extinguishing facilities and automatic fire control in Korla initial station and Shanshan terminal station are introduced in detail .

    分析了库尔勒首站和鄯善 消防设施及设置、消防自动控制系统的特点及工作过程。

  • Form the destiny community and cultivate the terminal station conscientiously with distributor .

    与经销商结成命运共同体以及认真耕作 终端

  • Technology and equipment for LNG receiving terminal station

    LNG 终端接收 工艺及设备

  • Through adopt special-purpose high-accuracy electric parameter gather chip and GPRS wireless Modem design collect three-phase electric parameter measurement this text the figure is input and measured the figure is exported and controlled in the integrative distribution voltage transformer long-range network monitoring terminal station .

    本文通过采用专用的高精度电力参数采集芯片和GPRS无线Modem设计了集三相电力参数测量、数字输入测量、数字输出监控于一体的配电变压器远程网络监控 终端

  • What is the terminal station of this train ?

    这辆列车的 终点 在哪?

  • When the bus stopped at the terminal station and he stood facing the Irish Sea he was pretty certain that something was amiss .

    当车到了 终点 、他站立在爱尔兰海之前时,他就十分肯定事情不对了。

  • The annual thunderstorm days of the onshore terminal station site are62 so the site belongs to the more thunderstorm region .

    陆上 终端 站址所在地区年平均雷暴日为62天,属于多雷区。

  • And then analyzes influencing factors of mode split A route choice model based on transit assignment algorithms is proposed and the distribution rate of passenger flow in urban rail transit terminal station are fixed by route choice model .

    然后,对居民出行方式选择的影响因素进行了分析,并构建了基于交通分配算法的路线选择模型,运用路线选择模型对轨道交通 终端 区域各交通方式分担率进行了计算。

  • According to the basic function of highway terminal station the direct economic benefit is analyzed and the calculation target of economic benefits is defined for organized volume contents . Based on the analysis and the definition the calculation formula of direct economic benefit is established .

    依据公路 枢纽的基本功能,对 枢纽的直接经济效益进行了分析,并定义了效益的计算对象-&组织量所包含的内容,在此基础上,提出了公路枢纽建设项目直接经济效益的计算公式。

  • Greenhouse temperature and humidity control system PC part software it writes to be to adopt Visual Basic combine Access develop with good man-machine interface procedure in order to facilitate terminal station Users ' operation .

    温室温湿度控制系统上位机软件编写采用VISUALBASIC结合Access开发了具有良好人机接口的程序以方便 终端用户的操作。

  • The network management system of library utilize the server terminal station network and database technology to manage all sorts of library information .

    网络图书馆管理信息系统利用现有服务器、 终端、网络和数据库技术,对各种图书资料等信息进行有效管理。

  • This paper mainly presents the ammeter selection of this system and design idea of master station describes the design of terminal station from hardware and software and provides the feasible methods for the reliability of the system .

    对远程抄表系统中电能表的选择和主战的设计思路给予说明,分别从软件和硬件上论述了 终端 的设计,对系统的可靠性也提出具体的可行性措施。

  • It is composed of management platform and terminal station .

    该系统主要由 前台 智能 自助终端以及 后台综合管理平台组成。

  • Construction Technology on Profiled Steel Sheet Roof in New Terminal Station of Taiyuan International Airport

    太原国际机场新 航站楼压型钢板屋面施工技术

  • In order to rationally organize the relationship between crowd and logistics and separate the crowd from logistics and according to the relationship between process flow and internal transport the road in onshore terminal station is set in network to meet fire requirements .

    为合理组织人流和物流的关系,将人流和物流分开,根据工艺流程和厂内运输关系,陆上 终端 内部道路呈网状布置,满足消防的要求。

  • This paper also for monitoring system and the child to the implementation of the terminal station the data contrast .

    本文还对监控系统 总站和子 进行了实施后数据的对比。

  • Hardware system includes local network of wireless computer real-time terminal station GPS and satellite transmission system .

    硬件系统包括无线计算机局域网络、实时 终端、GPS及卫星传输系统。

  • At present the existing self-service terminal station system adopts the Client / Server ( C / S ) architecture which is the server adopts the integrated frontier and the intermediate business platform . The client runs programmes developed by all kinds of corperations .

    目前,现有的银行自助系统采用客户机/服务器(C/S)体系结构,服务端采用综合前置和中间业务平台应用系统,客户端程序由各自助 终端厂商自行实现。

  • Then we specifically design and realize the self-service terminal station paying subsystem under such framework .

    进而在此框架结构下对自助 终端 代缴费子系统进行具体设计和实现。

  • What time does it arrive at the terminal station ?

    几点到达 终点

  • The monitoring software of unified dispatching complete the remote control command receiving high power amplifier switching machines ranging transponder zero value test and control terminal station zero value test and calculate the control station equipment and the actual distance of zero .

    在监控软件的统一调度指挥下,完成遥控指令的接收、高功放的开关机、测距转发、校零 终端的零值测试和 测控 的零值测试,并计算出测控站设备的实际距离零值。

  • This paper introduces the design and implementation of the long-range wireless controlls terminal station based on 8-bit singlechip which embeds TCP / IP .

    介绍了基于8位单片机的嵌入式TCP/IP的远程无线控制 终端的设计与实现。

  • The south station in Chengdu railway hub acts as terminal station of passenger transport of Sichuan southerly transport corridor .

    成都枢纽成都南站可作为川南通道客车的始发 到站

  • New Terminal Station of Qingdao International Airport

    青岛国际机场新 航站

  • Sequence Methods Construction Technology for High-supported Formwork Large Span Super Large Section Floor Slab Construction Technology on Profiled Steel Sheet Roof in New Terminal Station of Taiyuan International Airport

    高支模、大跨度、超大面积楼板跳仓法施工技术太原国际机场新 航站楼压型钢板屋面施工技术

  • The main engineering equipment in the field includes wellhead platform processing platform Hongkong gas pipeline Hainan oil pipeline Hongkong terminal station and Hainan terminal station etc.

    崖13&1气田的主要工程设施包括井口平台、处理平台、香港输气管线、海南输油管线、香港 终端 和海南终端站;

  • The Research and Realization of Power Remote Channel Monitoring Device for Far Terminal Station

    远端 电力远动通道监控装置的研究与实现