term mortgage

[tɚm ˈmɔrɡɪdʒ][tə:m ˈmɔ:ɡidʒ]


  • The section consist of seven parts which involves the subject object and term of the Dian Right the forming annihilating and rebuilding of the Dian Right and the coexistence of the Dian Right and the Mortgage .

    该部分又分为七个部分,涉及典权的主体、客体、 期限,典权成立、转典权及消灭,典权与 抵押 并存等方面。

  • When the performance condition realizes or term comes and the content of the claim is setting the mortgage the party with the claim can use the exemption right .

    如果请求权的履行条件已经成就或 期限已经到来,该请求权的内容为设定 抵押 ,则请求权人可以行使别除权。

  • In order to bring into its play we should understand and set up mortgage term Properly solving the problem of dividing mortgage between housing and land and the conflict between mortgage and administrative power .

    要充分发挥房地产 抵押的作用,就必须正确理解和设置房地产抵押 期限,妥善解决房、地分开 抵押以及抵押权与行政权的冲突问题。

  • Beginning with the origin of the term this paper gives a deep study of the mortgage in the common law system and Hong Kong .

    部分就是从 按揭制度的词源说起,研究了英美法系和香港法中的 按揭制度。

  • Real estate business as the term is used in this Law includes real estate transfer real estate mortgage and premises lease .

    本法所 房地产交易,包括房地产转让、房地产 抵押和房屋租赁。

  • Data shows that the term of reverse mortgage should be restricted below 15 years and 10 years is preferred .

    数据显示反 抵押 贷款 风险随着 贷款 期限 延长急剧增加, 期限应该控制在不 适宜15年以内,以10年 期限为佳。

  • However a second strand of ideas calls for the state subsidy to be maintained both to ensure stability in the short term and to guarantee that the mortgage market remains liquid and homogenous in the long term .

    然而,第二种意见则呼吁维持政府补贴,这既是为了确保 短期的稳定,也是为了保证 抵押 贷款市场在长期内保持流动性和同质性。

  • When purchasing house the main way to finance for Chinese urban residents is individual housing mortgage loan . The amount and term are the two important items of mortgage loan .

    我国居民购买住房时的主要融资途径是个人住房抵押贷款,个人住房 抵押贷款金额和 期限是其两个重要指标。

  • Due to its large amount and long payment term financing institutes face great systematic and nonsystematic risks in the mortgage market .

    住房 抵押 贷款市场 ,金融机构要面临系统风险和非系统风险。