terminal service

[ˈtɚmənəl 'sɝvɪs][ˈtə:minəl ˈsɜːvɪs]


  • Product homogeneity to make terminal enterprise creates their terminal brand . What getting terminal service advantage is necessary choice to get customer satisfaction .

    产品同质化,促使终端企业竞相追逐打造终端品牌, 鉴于终端 服务终端品牌建设中重要性,获取 终端 服务优势是赢得客户满意度的必要选择。

  • Because of the limitation of RDP protocol it can not play video base on RDP protocol while using Windows Terminal service .

    由于RDP协议是显示协议,因此在微软的 终端 环境中无法获得多媒体性能。

  • To create teaching and training environment by using windows 2000 terminal service and windows-based terminal we can lower the cost of network-building and management under application mode of windows 2000 terminal service .

    使用Win2000 终端 服务和基于Windows的终端WBT构造教学培训环境可以降低建网成本和管理费用。

  • Based on the terminal service maintenance experience obtained in Tsinghua University Library secure problems and answer measures are stressed in this paper .

    结合清华大学图书馆的实际应用经验,给出了在 终端 维护过程中将遇到的安全问题和应对措施。

  • The demo scenarios are composed of radio environment information collection CPC assisted network selection and terminal service display .

    演示场景包括异构网络信息搜集,CPC指导下的网络选择, 终端 业务的实现。

  • The windows-based terminal is a kind of lower cost device that windows CE operating system and terminal service client software is built-in .

    基于Windows的终端是一种内置了WINDOWSCE操作系统和 终端 服务客户端软件的低成本硬件设备。

  • A way of distance management using windows terminal service is introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍了 使用 终端 服务对基于Windows的 网络 服务器进行远程管理的方法。

  • Meanwhile led by the online games industry the telecom operators network terminal service providers computer hardware manufacturers and other upper-stream and lower-stream industries has also been rapidly developed .

    同时,在网络游戏产业的带动下,电信运营商、网络 终端 服务商、计算机硬件制造商等上下游产业也得到了高速发展。

  • Network New Application-Windows 2000 Terminal Service

    网络新应用-Windows2000 终端 服务

  • Using Terminal Service of Windows 2000 server to Realize Server Remote Management

    利用Windows2000server的 终端 服务实现服务器的远程管理

  • Terminal Service of Windows 2000

    Windows2000 终端 服务的安装及应用

  • The paper presents how to use terminal service of Windows 2000 Server to realize server remote management .

    介绍利用windows2000server的新特性: 终端 服务,实现远程管理的方法。

  • With the terminal service technology the terminal server can be connected to monitor and control data acquisition analyze signals predict and diagnose faults of equipment .

    利用 终端 服务技术,远程连接到终端服务器上,在远端监视、控制信号的采集,对采集的信号作分析,并实现对设备故障的预测和诊断;

  • The Research upon the Service Quality of the Terminal Service Stations

    基层 服务 机构 IUD服务质量情况的 现场研究

  • Airport Terminal service : Offering services for cargo receipt labeling warehousing arrangement and customs preparation and does turn-over to airlines .

    空运机场 终端 服务:提供机场接货,贴标签,入库和报关及准备随机文件。

  • This framework is hierarchical and there are 4 layers in total . The top first layer is system terminal service management layer below which are executing node terminal services management layer and TPU management layer in sequence .

    这种服务及设备管理框架采用分层结构,最上层为全局 终端 服务管理层,其下依次为服务执行管理层和终端呈现管理层。

  • To discusses how to consider terminal wait mode in idle mode network resource allocation mode when there are terminal service request and the solution of inter-carrier frequency hard handover in CDMA network design .

    主要探讨了在CDMA网络设计时,如何考虑空闲状态时终端的守候方式、 终端 业务请求时网络资源的分配方式以及跨载频硬切换的解决方案这3个方面的问题。

  • This paper analyzes the shape of the highway terminal service area influenced by rail transit discusses the method for the service area determination and the influence on the terminals site-selection the size the design of single terminal exerted by the determination of the service area .

    分析了轨道交通影响下公路客运 枢纽 服务区域的形态,提出了服务区域的确定方法,探讨了公路客运服务区域的确定对枢纽布局、规模和单体枢纽设计的影响。

  • Research and Implementation of Terminal Service for Space OS

    Space操作系统的 终端 服务的研究和实现

  • Nonetheless of all the terminal performance measures terminal service quality measures ( i.e. ship turnaround time operational dwell time ) are key factors for customer service .

    在上述所有指标中, 码头 服务质量(例如船舶周转时间&用于装卸货的时间,操作滞留时间等指标)是客户服务的关键因素。

  • Remote accessing is one of the most useful applications in Internet and Telnet is the factual standard to realize it . It provides a standard interface for guests when they access a remote host that is Network Virtual Terminal Service .

    远程登录是互连网上最常用的应用之一,而Telnet已经是Internet上实现远程登录的事实标准,它为客户访问一个远程主机提供一个标准接口,即网络虚拟 终端 服务

  • And development the corresponding logistics terminal service quality measurement scale . ( 2 ) From a new angle of Logistics terminal services this paper studied the network customer satisfaction and customer repeat purchase intention .

    从物流 终端 服务这一全新的角度出发,对网络消费者的顾客满意和顾客重复购买意愿进行了研究。

  • The Basic Class Virtual Terminal Service is an A SE in the OSI application layer .

    基本类虚 终端是OSI应用层中的一个应用 服务元素ASE。

  • As a multi-uses server operation system windows server 2003 provides developing and appliance of software terminal service communication etc.

    Windowsserver2003是为服务器开发的多用途操作系统,可为用户提供软件应用、应用程序开发、 终端和通信等 服务

  • The terminal service quality in Y telecom companies maintains at the low level compared with other companies . So it still had a long way to go .

    Y电信公司 维护 服务质量相比其它公司一直处于较低水平,离公司考核指标还有较大的差距。

  • This thesis explains Install and configure of terminal service through component installation activation configuration of user environment and software installation etc.

    本文从组件安装、激活、用户环境设置、软件安装方面讲述了 终端 服务的安装配置过程。

  • Terminal Service is an important component of Network Computer WBT model its performance has great impaction on the NC system 's performance .

    终端 服务器是网络计算机WBT模式的重要组成部分,终端服务器的性能和成本影响着整个网络计算机系统的性能和成本。

  • Terminal service is realized by the connection of the service function part on the main control unit and the corresponding systems .

    系统 终端 业务是通过 设备的主控制单元上业务子板与相应系统的对接实现的。

  • Installation and Configuration of Terminal Service Based on Windows Server 2003

    Windowsserver2003 终端 服务的安装配置

  • To Create Teaching and Training Environment by Using Terminal Service

    使用 终端 服务构造教学培训环境