term day

[tɚm de][tə:m dei]


  • Empty Nest was a term we used to describe our parents now it 's upon us in our day to day life style .

    “空巢”原是我常常形容父母的 ,现在它却成了我们 日复一日的生活写照。

  • If you are also starting a new term and have adopted less textbooks on the first day than these then cheer up !

    朋友 开学第一 领来的教科书,如果你的没有那么多,是不是可以偷笑一下?

  • The term of active service for a volunteer shall counting from the day when he changes to a volunteer be no less than three years but generally not more than thirty years up to the age of55 .

    志愿兵服现役的 期限,从改为志愿兵之 ,至少三年,一般不超过三十年,年龄不超过五十五岁。

  • Our term be 2 % ten day thirty day net .

    我们的 条件是10 付款为百分之二的折扣,30日 付款无折扣。

  • There had not been any serious lesson since the beginning of school term and what the class had been doing day after day was learning and discussing the theory of proletarian dictatorship .

    开学这些天来,还没正经地上过什么课,全班 天天在教室里学习讨论无产阶级专政理论。

  • We can go back as far as Thomas More 's novel of the early 16th century which coined the term and we can come forward to the present day Utopia on television .

    早在十六世纪早期,托马斯莫尔就在小说中创造了乌托邦这个 今天我们也可以在电视上看到乌托邦连续剧。

  • Effects of Long Term Night Sub-Low Temperature and Long Term Day Sub-High Temperature on Eggplant Growth and Development ; This article deals with the effects of alternating temperatures on rice seedlings .

    长期夜间亚低温和 长期 昼间亚高温对茄子生长发育的影响利用人工气候箱,模拟不同昼夜温度培养水稻品种粤香占幼苗。

  • The term of a joint venture shall be computed from the day its business licence is signed and issued .

    合营 期限从合营企业营业执照签发之 起算。

  • In my first term I felt bored every day .

    在我的第一个 学期,我每一 我都感到很闷。

  • The term of protection of entering WTO is imminent day by day and the Chinese finance industry is experiencing reborn transformation .

    随着入世最后保护 日益迫近,中国金融业正经历着脱胎换骨的变革。

  • But Romney also flubbed the issue in that last debate forgetting that Obama had used the term acts of terror the day after the killings .

    罗姆尼在这最后的辩论中也忘了该问题,忘记奥巴马在死亡事件后曾使用恐怖行为这 术语

  • But one should be careful about using the term modern day Gandhi for Mr hazare .

    但人们不应匆忙对哈扎尔 冠以当代甘地”的称号。

  • Seems like the term sheet will be done in a day or so .

    如果顺利的话, 协议可以在一 左右 就绪

  • According to the load characteristics of Jiangsu electric power a new short - term load forecast method based on the similar day is given and applied in the Jiangsu Electric Power Dispatch Center .

    针对江苏电力负荷的特点,提出了一种新的基于相似负荷 短期负荷预计方法。

  • The term the day when the duties are payable as cited in the preceding paragraph shall mean the day when the violation of the duty payer occurs ;

    前款所称“应缴纳税款之 ”是指纳税义务人违反规定的行为发生之日;

  • Usually if I take a middle term position ( 2-4 days ) I try to lower the stop and target order by10-25 pips every day .

    通常,如果我采取的立场 中期(2-4天)我尝试降低制止和目标秩序10-25点子 每天

  • Long term epidemiological evidence more than supports the safety of a cup or two of coffee a day .

    长期的流行病学研究证明 每日 到两杯咖啡对人是安全的。

  • Short and long term effects of two day therapy for eradication of H.pylori

    疗法根除幽门螺杆菌近期和 远期疗效

  • A week ago we discovered a new term baoyu whilst stranded in a Jiangxi county town in a torrential downpour our third consecutive day of constant rain .

    一周前,我们学会了一个 新词&暴雨,那时我们被困在江西的一个县城,滂沱大雨倾盆而至,那是我们赶上连续下雨的第三

  • There will be a term paper for graduate credit due on the last day of class .

    最后 堂课时需缴交一份 学期报告,这将列入毕业学分。

  • After the fully grasping of the load characteristics in shanghai a method for ultra-short term load forecast based on improved similar historical day data has been proposed according to the requirement of AGC control of Shanghai control center .

    在充分掌握上海电网负荷特性之后,针对上海市调AGC控制要求,提出一种基于改进相似 的超 短期负荷预测方法。

  • A new short - term load forecast method based on the similar day

    一种新的基于相似负荷 短期负荷预计方法

  • Students of Master 's and Postgraduate Diploma programmes must commence study at the beginning of a teaching term while doctoral students must commence on the1st day of a month .

    硕士及学士后文凭课程学生须于 学期开始时开学,而博士生则须于每个月首 开学

  • A method for ultra-short term load forecast based on improved similar historical day data

    基于改进相似 的超 短期负荷预测法

  • The term residual value of the asset refers to the fair value of the leased asset when the term of lease expires as estimated on the lease inception day .

    资产余值,是指在租赁开始 估计的 租赁期届满时租赁资产的公允价值。

  • Allegedly be will again the beginning of the term have finally waited till this one day .

    据说是又要 开学了,终于等到了这一

  • Our term as our invoice state is 2 % cash discount only within ten day of date of invoice .

    我司的支付 条件:以现金支付。自发票开出之日起10 内付款者,打2%的折扣。

  • The call for a global effort to deal with both the immediate food crisis in the developing world and the longer term challenge of ensuring adequate food supplies came on the final day of the world bank and International Monetary Fund spring meetings in Washington DC .

    在世界银行(worldbank)和国际货币基金组织(imf)华盛顿春季会议的最后 ,全球领袖呼吁世界各国努力解决发展中国家眼下的食品危机,并应对确保食品供应充足的更 长期挑战。

  • In the long term the international petroleum price fluctuations on the level of representatives of the three indexes are increasing day by day .

    长期 来看,国际油价波动对代表物价水平的这三种指标的影响都 日趋增大。