termination proof

[ˌtə:məˈneʃən pruf][ˌtɜ:məˈneɪʃən pru:f]

[计] 终止性证明

  • The paper gives a model quasi-WHILE statement and its termination characteristics introduces briefly the theory of least fixpoint and discusses proof of the loop termination by combining with loop-like functions .

    本文分析了循环 终止性的特点,给出了实WHILE语句模型,简要地叙述了最小不动点理论,并结合到实循环函数上讨论了终止性的 证明

  • The feasibility of the application of the improved Hamming nerual networks to the R & D project termination decision is discussed . A proof for the convergence of the iterative arithmetic is given .

    探讨了改进的Hamming网络在R&D项目 中止决策领域应用的可行性,同时对改进的Hamming神经网络算法迭代的收敛性给出了 证明

  • Formal verification of the completely correctness is formulated as partial correctness and termination by formal proof method .

    形式化证明把程序完全正确性问题归结为部分正确性和 终止性的 证明