term of acceptance

[tɚm ʌv ækˈsɛptəns][tə:m ɔv əkˈseptəns]

承兑期限; 承兑条件

  • Although an offensive term to some others consider it a positive sign of society 's increasing acceptance of older women 's sex appeal .

    一些人认为 这个 有点冒犯,不过另一些人认为它说明社会 认可年长女性的魅力,具有积极意义。

  • This article discusses the application of opportunity cost on the side of short term decision such as amount of cash hold amount receivable credit terms inventory purchase lot product at a loss and acceptance of special additional order and etc.

    本文主要从现金持有量、应收账款信用条件、存货采购批量、亏损产品是否停产、 是否 接受特殊追加订货等 短期经营决策方面谈机会成本的应用。