


  • The death sentence with a reprieve sys tern took the new China 's one kind of original creation always is an educational world discussion focal point .


  • So he said Only if you do all my homework until the nd of this tern ; that's35 days .

    然后他说,“我的愿望就是你帮我做这一 学期所有的作业,要整整35天的。”

  • Do you think that your extracurricular activities while in college were worth the time you devoted to tern ?


  • Finally the paper put forward suggestions to how to ensure high-quality graduate students in tern of supervisor .

    最后,从 导师 因素的角度,针对如何保证导师能够培养出高质量的研究生这一问题提出具体的政策建议。

  • I want to complain in the strong tern about the delay .

    我要以最强烈的 措词抗议这次耽误。

  • A condition for a semilinear elliptic equation to have multiple nontrivial solutions is given by using pseudo monotone mapping This condition does not demand any differentiability of the nonlinear tern .

    利用伪单调算子方法给出了半线性椭圆型边值问题多个非平凡解存在性的条件,这个条件不要求非线性 的可微性、 函数性。

  • Common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage .

    欧亚大陆和美洲普通的 燕鸥,灰羽白背。

  • One of the Roseate Tern is ringed !

    有一只被环志了的粉红 燕鸥

  • A navigation beacon is mounted on the largest tern island in Hong Kong .

    全港最大的 燕鸥岛上设有导航灯。

  • A curlew called and a tern fished the estuary ; house martins were gathering preparing for migration .

    杓鹬在鸣叫, 燕鸥在海湾边上捕鱼;家燕在成群集结,正在准备这一年的迁徙。

  • The understanding is that the Arctic Tern is a migratory bird which is mainly found at the North Pole and surrounding regions .

    据了解,北极 燕鸥是候鸟,主要分布于北极及北极附近地区。

  • The biosynthesis of DNA and protein of the Sin recA + and Sin recA-strains at different tern peratures were compared .

    比较了SinrecA~+和Sin recA~-菌株在不同温度中的DNA、蛋白质的生物合成情况。

  • It contains an unique ecology philosophy idea : the nature resource is limited and valuable and the humanity should maintain dual responsibilities to balance his own benefit and the ecosys tern .

    它认为,自然资源是有限的、有价值的,人类应当 担负着维护自身利益和生态系统平衡的双重责任。

  • All long tern subscription refund will be paid by check .

    所有长期 软体 租用的退款将以支票支付。

  • The results showed that a pat ˉ tern of autosomal dominant inheritance was noticed in all three families .

    结果3家系 20 患者,遗传 方式均呈常染色体 显性遗传;

  • Arctic ( tern ) was not seen again and was presumed extinct .

    从此,北极 燕鸥再也没有出现,估计已经灭绝了。

  • Our tern be always cash In advance .

    我们的 条件总是预付现金。

  • From the prescription of the Tang Dynasty we can find the tern that need to have : first the party concerned 's behavior broke the law .

    唐律的规定中可看出需具备的 条件有:首先,当事人实施了违法行为。

  • For sheer distance the arctic tern probably holds the record ;

    仅就距离 而言,恐怕 首推北极 燕鸥了;

  • The spring tern begins on monday of this week .


  • Why didn 't they do it during the winter but instead schedule it at the middle of the tern breeding season ?

    为何整个冬季不做,偏偏要 等到 燕鸥繁殖季节中期才动工?

  • The greatest threat to the tern 's survival is egg collection by fishermen for food which continues even though the Mazu and Jiushan Islands breeding sites are both within protected areas .

    最大的威胁来自黑嘴端凤头 燕鸥的蛋被渔民当作食物,这在马祖和韭山这两个繁殖地的保护区内都连续发生了。

  • I took several photos of the Chinese crested tern amidst the Greater crested terns .

    我拍了许多黑嘴端凤头燕鸥在一群凤头 燕鸥中的照片。

  • Based on edge definition we develop a method to evaluate speckle filters in tern of edge preservation : compute ratio between the sum of gradient absolute value in the edge area of filtered image and original .

    根据这个定义发展了边缘保持评价方法:计算去 斑点图像和原始图像边缘区域内梯度绝对值和的比值。

  • The pale mantle of the Chinese crested tern was the most evident feature from a distance and as we got closer the yellow-orange bill with a black tip came into view .

    从远处看,黑嘴端凤头 燕鸥苍白的 身体是最明显的特色,当我们更接近时,带有黑色尖尖的橘黄嘴喙进入我们的眼帘。

  • All the Roseates have already left East Tern Island but some Black-napeds and Bridles are still around today .

    粉红燕鸥已经离开东 燕鸥岛,只剩下几只黑枕和一些褐翅。