terms of settlement


  • Under the terms of the settlement Mr Zong agreed to pay Danone 300m ( $ 450m ) for its controlling 51 per cent stake in the joint venture operations closing the book on one of China 's most bitter foreign investment disputes .

    根据 和解 条款,宗庆后同意向达能支付3亿欧元(合4.5亿美元),购得达能在合资企业中51%的控股股份,从而终结了中国最激烈的外商投资纠纷之一。

  • The results from the studies vary with the different modes for different subjects in terms of bazaar behavior and customs bazaar location and bazaar settlement etc.

    不同学科领域在集市行为习俗、集市场所和集市 聚居 方面因研究方式的不同而取得的成果各异。

  • In terms of demography immigration patterns language settlement patterns and policy the paper begins with five reasons why we should not consider Australia a multicultural nation .

    文章 人口统计、移民模式、语言、 定居点模式和政策领域五个方面切入,分析了为什么我们不应该认为澳大利亚是一个多元文化的国家;

  • They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement .

    他们未能就 和解 条件达成协议。

  • The terms of the settlement have never been disclosed .

    和解 协议 内容从未公诸于众。

  • Second it increases the obligations of the insurers such as the explanation obligation of the standard terms specifies the period and time limit of settlement of claims and establishes the stopple as well as waiver system .

    如格式 条款的说明义务,明确了 理赔期间、时限。第四,确立了禁止抗辩和弃权制度。

  • The significance and prospect for the application of plastic drain boards to soft-soil foundation in the northeast cold areas are analysed in terms of degree of consolidation and settlement curve .

    通过对固结 以及 沉降曲线的分析来说明塑料排水板法处理东北寒区软土地基的重要意义和应用前景。

  • A year and a half after I 'd left my husband was finally ready to discuss terms of a settlement .

    在我离开后的一年半,我先生终于准备讨论 和解 条件

  • The stay gives hope to the last group of creditors who oppose the terms of the bankruptcy settlement .

    暂缓令为反对破产 清偿 条款的最后这3家债权人带来了希望。

  • In terms of the system construction Chinese processing mode of the collective interest labor dispute settlement has not formed a whole set of reasonable and perfect mechanism at present .

    从制度的架构上 而言,我国目前对于集体利益劳动 争议的处理方式还没有形成一整套合理健全的机制。

  • He said the tribunal had been informed that both parties had reached terms of settlement and judgment should be made by agreement .

    他表示,法庭已得到通知,双方已 达成 和解 协议,应由该协议做出裁决。

  • The fifth in terms of relieving and safeguarding defects of pre-mediation . The mediation settlement applies to principle of limited appeal .

    第五,对调解瑕疵的救济与保障 方面,对调解 协议实行有限上诉的原则。

  • In addition after termination of the contract provisions related to breach of contract terms can be applied should be based on the nature of the terms of the settlement to clear whether the consolidated judgments .

    此外,合同解除后相关违约金条款能否适用应当根据该 条款的性质是否符合清理 结算条款来综合判断。

  • Status quo of study on landfill stabilization was summarized in terms of gas leachate refuse composition and settlement .

    并从填埋气、渗滤液、垃圾组成和 沉降等4个 方面总结了填埋场稳定化的研究现状。

  • We agreed on the terms of the settlement ; I can 't agree with you !

    我们同意了 解决问题的 条件;我不能同意你。

  • Mediation can result in terms of settlement of greater flexibility and in more practical ways going beyond the legal remedies that the court is empowered to grant ;

    调解可达至较为灵活和实际 和解方案,往往超越法院所能作出的法律补救的局限;

  • But the DoJ found it had violated the terms of its Libor settlement so the bank will plead guilty to rigging Libor and pay an additional fine over that issue .

    但美国司法部发现,瑞银违反了Libor 和解 协议 条款,因此该行将承认操纵Libor,并为此额外支付了罚款。

  • Sixth exchange of views on the terms of a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict 6 . Implementing the strategy of relying on science and education to invigorate the country and the sustainable development strategy and developing various social undertakings in an all-round way .

    就柬埔寨冲突的全面政治 解决 方案 各项 条件进行第六轮磋商(六)实施科教兴国和可持续发展战略,全面发展各项社会事业。

  • Therefore because of the absence of law and a series of reasons in terms of the protection of labors ' interests there are many problems such as discrimination the difficulty-enlargement of employers ' responsibilities settlement .

    因此,由于法律的缺失等一系列原因,我国派遣劳动者权益保护存在 差别待遇、雇主责任落实 难度大等诸多问题。

  • We have received your samples with a price-list also your scale of rebate and terms of settlement all of which we find satisfactory .

    贵公司寄来的价格表、折扣率、 成交 条件 样品均收到。对 ,均感到满意。

  • More and more emphasis of vernacular architecture has turned in from research in terms of the evaluation of traditional single body to research in terms of the settlement .

    当前, 聚落研究在乡土建筑中越来越受重视,以往只专注于对传统建筑单体进行考证与评价的研究工作已逐渐扩展到对 聚落的研究。

  • The jurisdiction of ICSID has a significant influence upon a developing state 's protecting its own interests in terms of the settlement of international investment disputes .

    在国际投资争端中, ICSID管辖权对于发展中国家维护其国家利益有着极其重要的影响力。

  • It is suggested that the design of vertical bearing capacity should be in terms of permissible settlement of piles or according to the real side friction distribution of piles .

    在保证桩身强度和稳定的 条件下,宜以桩顶容许 沉降为控制 条件进行设计,或者按照桩侧阻力的分布特点进行设计。

  • Based on in-situ measurement and test the treatment effect is assessed in terms of settlement degree of consolidation and soil strength .

    根据现场监测结果,从地基 最终 沉降、固结度和强度等 方面对该工程的地基处理效果进行了评价。

  • Cross-border settlement in terms of the overall situation the RMB cross-border settlement is relatively mature comparison of potency of the Inner Mongolia .

    全国跨境结算整体情况 来讲,人民币跨境 结算比较成熟,比较通畅的是内蒙古自治区。

  • In terms of the judicial practice of criminal settlement and its imperfection and improvement and etc existence and inevitability of criminal reconciliation system in China is elaborated .

    从刑事 和解在我国的司法实践和我国刑事 和解制度的不足和改进等方面去阐述刑事和解制度在我国刑事司法领域存在和发展的必然性。