terminal time

[ˈtɚmənəl taɪm][ˈtə:minəl taim]


  • Under isothermal condition the results show that the pyrolysis of MSW nearly all is occurred on one time range but it 's initiative time and terminal time is not same .

    在等温环境下,对垃圾单组分和混合组分的热解特性研究表明:垃圾热解几乎都是集中在某个时间段内完成,但是,热解起始时刻、 终止 时刻不尽相同。

  • Through further analysis we can find that due to the view of energy cost of terminal and time consumption of transmission the more the data protection methods complex the more benefits can be brought by ASFC .

    通过进一步的分析,从 终端能量耗费和传输 时延的减少效果上看,事务处理过程中进行的数据保护越复杂,ASFC可以带来的好处就越明显。

  • Solution of Forward-Backward SDE with Random Terminal Time

    终端 为停时的正倒向随机微分方程的解

  • An infrared seeker enables a missile in its terminal guidance time to track a target precisely .

    红外导引头能够使导弹在 末段制导中精确 跟踪目标。

  • Store the removed terminal in time .

    将拆 终端入库

  • The linear approximation function uncouples the problems at different terminals so that we arrive at the local problem for each terminal at each time period .

    构造线性替代函数来逼近目标函数中的期望函数部分,使问题分解为多个单 时段节点问题。

  • A new management has been proposed which can resolve the problem of multiple rate in measuring information terminal and real time resource management currently .

    本文主要针对当前存在的计量信息 终端多费率、资源 实时管理问题,提出一种新的管理方式。

  • Taking the minimum control energy reentry trajectory with fixed terminal time and the minimum total heat load reentry trajectory as examples some key problems such as parameterized method were discussed in detail .

    终端 时间固定的空间最小控制能量再入轨迹和 终端 时间自由的平面最小热载再入轨迹为例,详细讨论了遗传算法用于再入轨迹优化设计所需要解决的一些关键问题。

  • Interactive terminal : Terminal used in real time so that the operator can issue commands which affect the processing and simultaneously see the results of the commands .

    交互式终端:以 实时操作的 终端。操作员发出处理指令而立即看到其结果。

  • Design and Implementation of B Code Terminal for the High-precision Time Synchronization of Computer Group

    用于计算机群高精度 时间同步的B码 终端的设计与实现

  • To solve the stochastic Control problem of a tracking system with unknown terminal time N (?) we combine the Kalman .

    为了解决 终端 时间Nf,未知的跟踪系统随机控制问题,用卡尔曼滤波器和一种最优控制法则相结合,可以获得最优输出跟踪控制系统。

  • Using separation theorem of convex set and the time terminal value function equation we obtain the determining method of optimal terminal time as well as the Maximum principle .

    由凸集分离定理及终端时间阈值函数方程,我们获得了最大值原理及最优 控制 时间的确定方法。

  • Implementation method of rectifying client terminal ′ s time based on C / S network system

    基于C/S网络系统中 客户端 时间校正技术

  • The Terminal Time of Semi-Dynamic Syatem


  • A New Fault Location Algorithm by Method of Two Terminal Time Domain

    一种新型双 时域故障定位算法

  • Probability criterion has its practical significance its investment decision-making is guided by the expected discounted wealth at terminal time .

    概率准则具有一定的现实意义,其投资决策是以期望 贴现资产为导向的。

  • In this paper we concern about the distribution of the terminal time of semi-dynamic system and the ruin probability of a class of risk model .

    本文研究了半动力系统 的性质与一类风险模型的破产概率两个问题。

  • We go into the distribution of the terminal time of semi-dynamic system and its hazard function building the connection between them . It is avail to the research of the terminal time of piecewise deterministic Markov process .

    研究了半动力系统 的分布,及其Hazard函数,,并建立了它们之间的联系,为逐段决定马尔可夫过程的一般端时一些性质的研究做准备。

  • In detail four different high accuracy and high efficiency symplectic algorithms are proposed based on dual variational principle and generating function . Furthermore a three-variable symplectic algorithm is proposed for the nonlinear optimal control with free terminal time .

    主要包括:基于对偶变量变分原理和生成函数方法提出了四种高精度和高效率的 保辛数值算法;以及针对受控 时间自由情况,提出基于三类变量变分原理的高精度和高效率数值算法。

  • LCS ( LoCation Services ) can provide the precise location of the mobile terminal in time and some valuable applications can be provided by using these information . The monitoring and management system based on mobile location technology is one of them .

    LCS业务(LoCationServices,位置业务)能 及时准确的提供移动 终端的位置,利用这些位置信息可以为各个行业提供一些很有价值的应用,基于移动定位技术的监控管理系统就是其中的一种。

  • We concern about the distribution of the terminal time of semi-dynamic system it can be see as generalization of that of stochastic process .

    半动力系统的 是随机过程 的一种推广。

  • In the terminal time of Yanshan movement with orogeny finishing extensional tectonic system developed from north to south .

    燕山运动 末期,秦岭地区造山活动结束,伸展拉张作用由北向南展开。

  • Combined with previous data different segment magmatic activities in the Tan-Lu fault zone have a relatively long duration and a later terminal time and indicate an intensively extensional tectonic setting .

    综合目前已有的华北克拉通晚中生代岩浆岩资料来看,郯庐断裂带内各部位的岩浆活动持续时间最长、 结束 时间最晚,且岩浆活动指示的往往是更为强烈的伸展构造背景。

  • The article has applied the weighted residual method and laplace changing to analyze the plastic dynamic response of a simple circular plate the influence of elastic foundation on it and drives its residual deflection and the terminal time .

    应用加权残值法和拉普拉斯变换,分析弹性基础上简支圆板的塑性动力响应问题,弹性基础对薄板塑性动力响应的影响,并且给出板的残余挠度和 终止运动 时间

  • The timeout period starts when the associated Fan Out fires an output terminal for the first time .

    超时期间从关联扇出第一 触发输出 末端开始。

  • But I think it will arrive at the terminal on time .

    列车员:但我想会 正点到达 终点

  • It can monitor and control any terminal real time noise state ;

    能监控任何 终端 实时噪声状态;

  • In this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution to forward-backward stochastic differential equations where the terminal time associated with the backward stochastic differential equation is a finite stopping time .

    在这篇文章中,我们证明了正倒向随机微分方程的解的存在性和唯一性,其中,倒向随机微分方程的 终端 为一有限的停时。

  • The necessary conditions of singular optimal control are reviewed brie-fly . It is studied that boundary conditions control constraint and terminal time have influences upon the switching construction of the control func-tion .

    概述了奇异最优控制问题最优解的必要条件,讨论了边界条件、控制约束及 时间对控制函数开关结构的影响。

  • The accuracy analysis of handing over midcourse to terminal guidance by time difference and direction finding method in self defense jamming environment

    时差-测向定位法抗自卫噪声干扰的中 制导交班精度分析