term of loan

[tɚm ʌv lon][tə:m ɔv ləun]

[法] 放款期限

  • A loan in which the interest rate is adjusted periodically during the term of the loan based on a pre-selected index and time adjustment .

    利率在贷款期间 按照预先确定的指标和时间不时调整的 贷款

  • The longer the term of a loan the greater the risk that the investment will not be repaid .

    一项 贷款 时间越长,投资者无法收回投资的风险就越大。

  • If they are fixed the rate is locked in at one rate throughout the term of the loan .

    如果他们不动,汇率锁定在一 贷款利率在整个。

  • The result shows that impact factors of house price include fluctuation ratio loan to house value ratio riskless interest rate and term of loan on default rate .

    研究结论认为:住房价格波动率、贷款房价比、无风险利率和 贷款 期限 住房 贷款违约率有显著的影响。

  • To study the combined housing mortgage loan we established a theory model for it . Through this model we can work out the term of loan the repayment of capital and interest every year .

    为此,试图建立一个考虑居民收入增长的个人住房抵押组合贷款理论模型,通过该理论模型可以确定合理的 贷款 期限以及各年的还本付息额。

  • The Chinese capital markets grow out of nothing and the financing tools vary such as short term financing bonds . With the fierce competition of the same industry the credit businesses of commercial banks face to the unprecedented challenge and the net interest margin loan decrease gradually .

    我国的资本市场从无到有,逐渐成长; 短期融资券等融资工具不断丰富;加之逐渐剧烈的同业竞争,商业银行的信贷业务受到前所未有的挑战, 存贷净利差在逐渐减小。

  • The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers .

    次级系统涉及到特别贷款者的贷款质量,这个系统使 赊贷历史和一个首要贷款者更大的 贷款违约变得薄弱。

  • At five years the term of the loan is also longer than anything on offer in more developed economies .

    此外,5年的 贷款 期限也比更发达的经济体各银行所能提供的期限更长。

  • The result indicates that regardless of long term or short term the total quantity of credit and loan has a positive significance influence to fixed asset investment yet has a negative influence to stock market ;

    结果表明:无论长期还是 短期信贷总量对固定资产投资的正向影响显著,对股票市场则有负向影响;

  • The term of the loan is fifteen year .

    贷款 期限为15年。

  • After 1998 commercial banks seek for an expansion of medium to long term loan in order to reduce the pressure of NPL rate which directly promotes the expansion of medium to long term loan .

    1998年后商业银行为降低不良贷款率的压力开始主动追求中 长期贷款规模的扩张,直接推动了近几年中长期 贷款扩张。

  • When purchasing house the main way to finance for Chinese urban residents is individual housing mortgage loan . The amount and term are the two important items of mortgage loan .

    我国居民购买住房时的主要融资途径是个人住房抵押贷款,个人住房抵押 贷款金额和 期限是其两个重要指标。

  • If the loan is based on more than one deposit certificates the term of the loan shall be determined according to the earliest date of maturity except for loans granted by installments .

    若为多张存单质押,以距离到期日时间最近者确定 贷款 期限,分 发放的贷款除外。

  • The introduction of the term soft budget constraint and relevant theories has offered a good work frame for analyzing the production and dissolving of the non-performing loan of the commercial bank .

    软预算约束的 概念及其相关理论的提出,为分析银行不良 贷款的产生和化解提供了一个良好的理论框架。

  • Finance costs are collected over the term of the loan .

    贷款 期间要收取财务费用。