temperature fall

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr fɔl][ˈtempəritʃə fɔ:l]


  • Effect of Physiology Index of Choline Chloride ( CC ) to Banana Plantlet Under the Temperature Sustaining Fall

    氯化胆碱在持续 降温 条件下对香蕉苗生理指标的影响

  • The BF hot metal at KISC is oversaturated with carbon and its average temperature fall reaches 1.5 ℃ / min during transportation hence a large quantity of kish is inevitably deposited .

    昆钢高炉铁水在出铁时含碳量达饱和,运输过程中平均 为1.5℃/min,产生大量片状石墨粉尘是必然的。

  • If the sun did not give off heat the temperature of the earth would fall almost to absolute zero .

    假如太阳不放射热量,地球的 温度几乎就会 下降到绝对零度。

  • Winter characteristics of temperature fall in the cold half year of South China

    华南冬半年 降温的特征

  • Study of reducing strip temperature fall on 1580 Hot Strip Mill

    1580热连轧机减少轧件 措施的研究

  • Let his body temperature fall to38c .

    让他的 体温 降至摄氏38度。

  • The temperature continued to fall for a short time but no ice was formed .

    在短时间内, 温度连续 下降,但是没有结冰。

  • What causes the air temperature to fall at night ?

    为什么晚间 气温下降

  • A temperature rise or fall 8.3 degrees Celsius resin sand sclerosis speed will double or halve respectively .

    温度每上升或 下降8.3℃,树脂砂的硬化速度就会分别加倍或减半。

  • And the plasma density and electron temperature fall quickly along the axial line .

    且等离子体密度和电子 温度沿轴线方向 衰减很快。

  • As the temperature falls the atoms fall together clump in lumps and reduce to liquids solids and molecules .

    温度下降时,原子挤在一起,集结 成群,凝缩成液体、固体和分子。

  • The Onset temperature of organic material solutions fall with the increase of concentration .

    有机物溶液的Onset 温度随着浓度的增加而明显 降低

  • Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below freezing .

    今夜的 温度降至冰点下3度。

  • The temperature won 't fall these days .

    这两天 温度 下不来

  • Under what conditions will air temperature fall more appreciably at night ?

    在什么情况下晚间 温度 下降得较大?

  • The temperature fall and decompression in great degree is serious depreciation of the energy .

    大压差减 减压是能的严重 贬值

  • The temperature could fall to minus eight tonight .

    今晚 温度下降到零下八度。

  • Does the product Temperature Profile fall within the Engineering based specification for the process window ?

    温度曲线在制程窗口内是否已 降落 基于工程而制定的标准以内?

  • The temperature will fall below zero tonight .

    今天晚上 温度到零度以下。

  • Dynamic Influence of Temperature on Different Fall Dormancy Rate Alfalfa ( Medicago Sativa ) Growth

    温度对不同 眠等级苜蓿(MedicagoSativa)生长的动态影响

  • With the decrease size of powder not only will the sintering temperature range fall but also there is no air pores in the ceramics . 5 .

    随着粉料的粒度的减小,不但获得理想烧结状态所需的烧结 温度范围 随之 降低,而且消除了显微气孔。

  • It can help you relax and raising the body temperature then cooling it in a low temperature room helps you to fall asleep faster .

    它能让你得到放松,还能提升身体温度。然后到一个 温度低一点的房间里 慢慢变凉就能帮你快速 入睡了。

  • Experiment proves that after temperature compensation the temperature drift has fall to 30 % of the before when the temperature change from - 10 centigrade to 40 centigrade the temperature drift is suppressed and the HRG precision is increased .

    实验结果表明,在经过补偿后,当温度从-10℃变化到40℃时,半球谐振陀螺的 漂误差 降低到原来的30%,有效的抑制半球谐振陀螺的温度漂移,提高了陀螺的精度。

  • Then the formula of tire temperature fall history was also derived with the tire heat dissipation analyzed which came to the same conclusion as the case of temperature rise .

    用此方法建立了轮胎 -时间历程关系式,分析了轮胎散热情况,分析表明温降时间也与使用条件无关。

  • The weather forecast says there 'll be a cold spell tomorrow windy and the temperature will fall to7 below zero at the highest .

    天气预报说明天有寒流,刮风, 气温到最高气温为零下7度。

  • When the sliding bearing is optimized friction power wastage was reduced 23.1 % and the lubricant temperature rise was fall to 54.0 % .

    优化后滑动轴承摩擦功耗降低23.1%, 降低54.0%。

  • The reason for these phenomena was probably the co-operation of the precipitation temperature litter fall and soil microbes .

    降雨、 温度凋落物、植物根系以及微生物的活动等因素可能是鼎湖山混交林土壤pH值季节动态变化的主要因素。

  • Measuring method for temperature rise time and fall time of infrared heater Calibration Methods Research Using Extrapolation for Temperature Blackbody Furnace Can 't Reach

    GB/T7287.4-1987红外辐射加热器 升温时间和 降温时间测量方法辐射测温无源温区外推标定技术研究

  • Shrinkage deformation of beam in temperature fall stage is simulated through jack stretching test model and expansion deformation of beam in temperature rise stage is simulated through jack pushing out test model .

    通过千斤顶对试验模型的张拉来模拟 阶段梁体的收缩变形;通过对试验模型的顶推来模拟温升阶段梁体的膨胀变形。

  • Remember that body temperature drops when you fall asleep . Raise the room temperature or use a blanket .

    记得,当你 睡著时,你的 体温会下降。请提高房间的温度或使用毯子。