temporary loan

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri lon][ˈtempərəri ləun]


  • An investigation found that nine pieces all small Western-style gold boxes and mirrored compacts covered with jewels made in the 20th century were missing from the temporary exhibition on loan from the private Liang Yi Museum in Hong Kong .

    调查发现,来自私人的香港两依藏博物馆、在故宫 临时展出的九件 展品遗失,这些展品均为嵌有珠宝的西式小金盒和带镜子化妆盒,制作于20世纪。

  • The recipient would in turn have to accept an austerity programme perhaps even the temporary loss of fiscal sovereignty to ensure that the loan was repaid and to reduce moral hazard .

    随后,接受援助的国家将不得不接受一个经济紧缩方案,甚至可能是财政主权的 暂时丧失,以确保 贷款得到偿还并降低道德风险。

  • In the food regulators ownership of houses 62.0 % are the unit 12.4 % are temporary loan 19.8 % are rented 5.8 % are other properties of the ownership of the house .

    在全省餐饮监管机构的房屋所有权中,62.0%是单位所有的,12.4%是 临时 租借的,19.8%是租用的,5.8%是其他性质的房屋所有权。

  • To help keep borrowers in their homes servicers have been offering assistance with repayment plans temporary forbearance and loan modifications .

    为协助保持借款人在自己的家中,服务机构已提供协助与还款计划, 暂时忍耐, 贷款的修改。

  • EXAMPLE : Despite having a high-paying salary my successful young nephew always seems to be asking me for a temporary loan because money burns a hole in his pocket .

    尽管我那事业有成的年轻外甥薪水颇高,但他似乎总是找我 救急,因为他花钱如流水。