


  • Group ⅲ included twelve patients flat and rigid skin flaps were usually demonstrated predominantly in the tempora and parietal regions .

    Ⅲ组12例, 缺损多 位于颞部或枕 ,缺损区皮瓣平坦或 僵硬

  • The spatial and tempora characterizations of monthly rainfall days over China Preliminary Study on Ecology of the Rana tempora chensinensis in Wuwei Area

    我国月降水 频数的时空特征 武威地区中国林蛙的生态研究初报

  • Effect of Tillage on the spatial and tempora distribution of soil water in the tilled layer

    不同耕作方法对 耕层土壤水分时空分布的影响

  • But our present health crisis provokes a different classical response : O tempora !

    但我们当前的健康危机引来了另一句经典的回复:啊, 时势