temporal logic language

[ˈtɛmpərəl ˈlɑdʒɪk ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][ˈtempərəl ˈlɔdʒik ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]

[计] 时序逻辑语言

  • A temporal logic language oriented toward software engineering

    一种面向软件工程的 时序 逻辑 语言

  • XYZ / E is the first executable temporal logic language which can represent both of the static and dynamic aspects of program . It can describe architecture in different abstract levels .

    XYZ/E是世界上第一个可执行的 时态 逻辑 语言,它既能描述抽象静态语义,又能表示程序的动态语义,这一特征恰好适合分层描述软件体系结构。

  • XYZ / E is a temporal logic system as well as a programming language . It can represent almost every kind of significant features in conventional imperative languages .

    XYZ/E既是一个 时序 逻辑系统也是一个程序设计 语言,它能表示普通高级语言中几乎所有的重要机制。

  • Research of Software Architecture Based on the Temporal Logic Language XYZ / E ( I ) & Description of Components and Connectors

    基于 时态 逻辑 语言XYZ/E的软件体系结构研究(I)&基本组件和连接件的描述

  • Using temporal logic and algebra a formal requirement language was presented and used to describe the formal hierarchy requirements for cryptographic protocols .

    采用近世代数和 时序 逻辑的方法定义了形式化描述 语言,并形式化地描述了密码协议的分层安全需求。

  • The research presents that the CA attestation system from the high abstract description to low concrete implementation stepwise refined can be realized in the temporal logic language XYZ / E which provides a new notion and method for the verification and analysis of the CA attestation system .

    本文的研究结果说明:利用 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E可以很好地将CA认证系统从高层的抽象描述逐步求精到低层的具体实现,为CA认证系统验证和分析提供了新的思路和方法。

  • This paper introduces the temporal logic language XYZ / E and then describes the gasbumer control problem in XYZ / RBE and XYZ diagram .

    本文给出了 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E的相关介绍,并利用XYZ/E的子语言XYZ/RBE与XYZ图描述了煤气炉实时控制问题。

  • Formal Semantics of Framed Temporal Logic Programming Language MSVL

    框架 时序 逻辑程序 语言MSVL的形式语义

  • After the building of unemployment insurance business processing model based-on automaton according to the description of temporal logic linear temporal logic language is applied to write program which will be a part of input of model checking .

    基于有限状态自动机的失业保险业务处理流程模型构建完毕后,应用线性时序逻辑对模型的时序性质加以描述,针对该时序描述,应用线性 时序 逻辑 语言编写程序,程序作为模型检测输入的一部分。

  • The formal methods include : finite state machines Petri nets temporal logic communication process calculus and Z language .

    目前常用的形式化方法包括:有限状态机、Petri网、 时序 逻辑、通信进程演算和Z 语言

  • On the other hand we use the linear temporal logic language LTL to define the software safety security attributes to make the description more intuitionistic and compatible .

    过程中使用线性 时序 逻辑 语言LTL定义软件安全属性,描述直观并具有良好的兼容性。

  • Because UML lacks of precise semantics a method is proposed to express the formal semantics of the class diagrams based on the temporal logic language XYZ / E.

    基于UML缺乏精确语义描述的不足,我们提出了基于 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E来表示类图形式化语义的方法。

  • Description and Refinement of Distributed Real-time Software Architecture Based on Temporal Logic Language

    基于 时序 逻辑 语言的分布式实时软件体系结构描述与精化

  • We introduced a method to detect feature interaction in requirements which is based on the temporal logic language XYZ / E.

    针对需求阶段的特征干扰问题,提出了使用 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E检测特征干扰的方法。

  • To solve the test case ineffective problem due to inconsistency between the input domain boundaries of the specification and the software under test a test case generation method based on software specification which is described in temporal logic language XYZ / E is proposed .

    针对软件规范输入域与被测软件输入域之间边界不一致引起的测试用例失效问题,提出一种基于 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E软件规范说明的测试用例自动生成方法。

  • It describes the CA attestation system architecture in the temporal logic language XYZ / E.

    建立了CA认证系统的软件体系结构模型:使用 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E,描述了CA认证系统体系结构;

  • This paper introduces basic contents and current developments of the CA attestation system inland and abroad and elaborates the software architecture description method based on the temporal logic language XYZ / E.

    本文介绍了CA认证系统的基本内容及其国内外的发展现状;阐述了基于 时序 逻辑 语言XYZ/E的软件体系结构描述方法;

  • Denotational semantics describes the semantics of a programming language in afunctional way but the first-order temporal logic expresses the semantics of a prog-ramming language in a logical way .

    指称语义学是以函数的形式来表达程序的语义,一阶 时态 逻辑是以逻辑方式表达程序的 语义