temporal arteritis

[ˈtɛmpərəl ˌɑrtəˈraɪtɪs][ˈtempərəl ɑ:təˈraitis]


  • Objective To investigate the neurologic manifestations of giant cell ( temporal ) arteritis ( GCA ) .

    目的研究巨细胞 动脉炎的神经系统临床特征。

  • Objective To explore the pathological features of temporal artery biopsy of chinese with giant cell ( temporal ) arteritis ( GCA ) and to assess its diagnostic and therapeutic value .

    目的探讨中国人巨细胞 动脉炎GCA)颞动脉活检的病理学特征和意义。

  • Q & A on Sex Focal hypertrophic pachymeningitis in association with temporal arteritis

    合并 动脉炎的局灶肥大性硬脑膜炎

  • Giant cell ( temporal ) arteritis is uncommon before age 50 .

    巨细胞 动脉炎 动脉)在50岁以前较少见。

  • Giant cell arteritis ( GCA ) is a systemic and granuloma arteritis that is also known as temporal arteritis .

    巨细胞动脉炎(GCA),又称 动脉炎,是一种系统性和肉芽肿性动脉炎。

  • Bilateral third nerve palsy and temporal arteritis

    双侧第3脑神经麻痹和 动脉炎