


  • The heroine a joint action under domestic conditions by escaping the complex becomes stronger gradually turn into a temptress .

    在内外条件的共同作用下,逐渐摆脱 自卑情结,成为强者, 最终转变成 妖妇

  • For example I cannot imagine walking away from the temptress without the assistance of a supernatural power-no matter how many of the sage ` s proverbs I had internalized .

    例如:我很难想象在不借助任何 超自然力量的前提下从这么一个性感女性身边走过&不管我铭记了多少圣人格言也无济于事。

  • Supermodel Jane Bracknel plays a nubile temptress out to seduce him .

    超级名模 简·布拉克内尔扮演一个性感女郎来勾引他。

  • Succubus Temptress : Shooter Ranged Retaliate Immune to Hypnotize ( aka Puppet Master ) Seduce .
