temperate zone


  • Model : The more parts area of Heilongjiang belong to the temperate zone and only less parts of west and north belong to the frigid zone .

    答:黑龙江省绝大部分地区属于 温带,仅西北部分地区属于寒带。

  • County is located in mid-latitudes is the mainland of East Asia monsoon climate the drought in the temperate zone continental monsoon climate characteristics four distinct seasons .

    全县位于中纬度地区,属东亚大陆季风气候,中 温带干旱 ,大陆性季风气候特征明显,四季分明。

  • In the continental monsoon climate area of temperate zone Pinggu District has clear-cut four seasons 2 annual average sunshine hours and4611 ℃ total accumulative temperature .

    平谷区 属于 温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均日照时数2555.3小时,总积温4611℃;

  • Approaches and Methods for Irrigation Management of Non-wood Forest in Warm Temperate Zone

    我国暖 温带经济林水分管理的实现途径及措施

  • Tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone ; occasionally grown as a ground cover .


  • Lying within the South Temperate Zone New Zealand has an oceanic climate without extremes of heat or cold .

    新西兰地处南 温带海洋性气候,没有严冬和酷署。

  • Is the temperate zone oceanity monsoon climate .


  • Belonged to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate four seasons dry and windy spring hot summer and rainy cool quickly in the fall winter cold and less snow .

    本区属暖 温带大陆性季风气候 ,四季分明,春季干燥多风,夏季炎热多雨,秋季降温迅速,冬季寒冷少雪。

  • In my early days of wine study I had to memorise two neat bands around the globe – one in the temperate zone of each hemisphere roughly 30 to 50 degrees from the equator – which we all thought then defined the only territory open to the grapevine .

    在我对葡萄酒的研究早期,我必须记住全球两个气候带南北半球的 温带 地区,南北纬大约30至50度以内那时我们都认为,这是唯一的葡萄产地。

  • Also here is mainly tropical forming a tropical national character not as brave as the northern temperate zone nations to pursue the truth .

    还有,这里是热带为主,形成了热带民族性格,不能像北方 温带民族一样勇敢追求真理。

  • Densely tufted perennial chickweed of north temperate zone .


  • Small rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate zone and Hawaii with pinnate fronds .

    生长于北 温带和夏威夷的一种带有羽状复叶的小型岩石生蕨类植物。

  • It displays an entire series of plants in vertically ecological distribution ranging from the tropical zone temperate zone and frigid zone .

    它展示了几乎生态区整个的植物系列,覆盖热带、 温带、寒带。

  • It is also the divider between the northern temperate zone and the tropical zone .

    也是北 温带与热带的分界线。

  • First the polar bear doesn 't adapt to the environment of forests in the temperate zone .

    首先,北极熊不能在 温带的树林中生活。

  • Warm temperate mixed deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest is the main forest vegetation type in China 's warm temperate zone .

    暖温带落叶阔叶次生林是中国暖 温带森林植被的主要类型。

  • Small but widely distributed genus of orchids closely related to genus Cleistes ;: of damp or boggy areas of north temperate zone .

    一个广泛分布的兰花属;产于北 温带潮湿或多沼泽地区。

  • A study on the stemflow of the deciduous broad leaved mixed forest in the warm temperate zone of northern China

    华北暖 温带山地落叶阔叶混交林的茎流研究

  • Ninety percent of the country lies in the temperate zone .

    这个国家90%的地方都在 温带

  • Mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects ; widespread in north temperate zone .

    粘性的叶柄可以捕捉昆虫的一种多年生草本植物;广泛分布于 温带北部。

  • Japan is in the temperate zone .

    日本处于 温带

  • At family level the floristic components showed temperate zone characteristics add in some of tropical characteristics .

    从科 系分析结果来看,研究地的植物区系主要是 温带 性质并兼有一定的热带成分。

  • The temperate zone should be cooler than the tropical zone .


  • Bog shrub of north temperate zone having bitter-tasting fragrant leaves .


  • A family of plants of order Polygonales chiefly of the north temperate zone ; includes the buckwheats .

    蓼属中草本植物科主要在北 温带;包括荞麦。

  • The climate belongs to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate the four seasons is distinct the rainfall amount is sufficient excellent surroundings temperature being suitable .

    气候属于暖 温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,降雨量充足,环境优美,气温适宜。

  • Almost every kind of climate may be found but the country lies mostly in the temperate zone .

    虽然主要处在 温带气候,但同时具有各种气候 的特征。

  • Acer plants belong to Aceraceae which mainly produced in temperate zone of north earth .

    槭属植物属槭树科主产于北半球 温带地区。

  • The results show that under the conditions of climate warming the thermal boundary of temperate zone and warm-temperate zone moved towards East and north and the thermal boundary of cool-temperate zone and temperate zone moved northwards significantly .

    结果表明:在气温升高的背景下,黑龙江省 温带与暖温带的热量界限向北撤并东移,寒温带与温带的热量界限则大幅度北撤。