

n.& adj.感激(的),致谢(的)

  • I forgot a thousand things but I remembered to say thankyou .

    我忘了很多事,但我 还是记得对 谢谢

  • Thankyou dodge my so many posture living .

    谢谢 ,让我的生活如此多姿。

  • Can give me register code thankyou !

    你给的注册码 不了

  • Thankyou for the coffee and the memories .

    感谢 的咖啡和“回忆”。

  • Don 't know whether to thankyou or kickyour ass.

    不知该谢你,还是 你。

  • Thankyou very much for coming today .

    非常 感谢 你们今天 赏光 前来

  • Thankyou mother rose . kids look what mom got .


  • But I still want to say : Thankyou so much for your support .

    但是我还想说的是: 非常 感谢你们的支持。

  • Thankyou for contributing generously to these funds .

    多谢 为这项基金做了慷慨的捐赠。

  • The surprise gift is a thankyou for our help .

    这份意外的礼物是 为了 感谢我们给予的帮助。

  • I thankyou but I must get my family across the river .

    谢谢 ,但是得先把家人 送到对岸。

  • Thankyou for contacting support .

    谢谢 贵方联系的支持。

  • They probably never got a thankyou letter before .

    他们可能以前从来没收到过 感谢信。

  • I wanted to come by to thankyou for setting up that job interview for me .

    我来是为了 谢谢 介绍那个工作。

  • Would you like to go out with me sometime thankyou goodnight .

    有时间的话你愿意 我约会

  • Thousands of fans lined to Champs-Elsees Paris'famous Boulevard to give their country 's leading tennis players a right royal thankyou for winning Davis Cup3-2 against Sweden .

    成千上万的球迷云集巴黎著名大街香舍里榭大道,以皇家的礼遇热烈欢迎以 3:2击败瑞典队赢得戴维斯杯后凯旋归来的法国选手。

  • Thankyou the same to you the pictures can not appear in your space .

    同样也 感谢你,在你的空间里的图片不能 正常显示。

  • The presents most likely to make us say an unconvincing thankyou though clenched teeth are ornaments with 14 per cent of the surveys respondees listing said items cheap pottery miniature statues as the most disappointing travel totem you can receive .

    最有可能让人们咬着牙齿道一声难以令人信服的 谢谢的礼物要属装饰品了。有14%的受访者认为廉价的陶器、小型雕塑是所收到最让人失望的旅游礼物。

  • And game three played out like a thankyou note to the fans .

    第3 比赛就像是对球迷的 致谢一样。

  • Dear Dad you have always cherished the memory of childhood to take me to the park to play when your big hand so strong thank you for my training I wish a happy Father 's Day !

    亲爱的爸爸,很 怀念儿时你常带我赴公园游玩,那时你的手掌好大,好有力,谢谢( thankyou)你对我的培养( Culture),祝父亲节快乐!