woman suffrage

[ˈwʊmən ˈsʌfrɪdʒ][ˈwumən ˈsʌfrɪdʒ]


  • She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of Early woman suffrage days .

    她穿着一双平跟鞋,看上去好象是早期为 争取 妇女 选举 时代旧相册中的 人物

  • As an important component part of the American Feminism Movement the woman suffrage struggle whose contents involve a good many aspects such as politics economy culture etc.

    美国 妇女 争取 选举 的斗争是美国女权运动的重要组成部分,其内容涉及政治、经济和文化等诸多方面,在美国社会生活中 留下不可磨灭 印迹

  • I 've elected economics this year . manhood woman w_482 suffrage

    今年我选修了经济学。成年男子 妇女w_494 选举

  • Thus discovered that the female village official election was many kinds of strength operation result they were not ' the woman are in power ' it is only could say that was the ruling woman was under patriarchy shadow woman suffrage .

    从而发现女村官当选是多种力量运作的结果,她们不是妇女执政,只能说是执政的妇女,她们是父权制阴影下的 妇女 参政

  • On October23rd 1915 Woman 's suffrage : In New York City 25 women march up Fifth Avenue to demand the right to vote .

    1915年的10月23日,在美国纽约城,约有两个万五千到 三万三千 妇女在第五大道汇合,要求投票权。

  • The lecturer of last evening went the whole length in advocating woman suffrage .

    昨天晚上的演说者竭尽所能提倡 妇女 投票

  • The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance .

    妇女 参政的问题使他们 发生争执。