wolf child

[wʊlf tʃaɪld][wulf tʃaild]


  • The wolf was determined to get to the child while Beddgelert was determined to prevent it from doing so .

    一心想要抓住 孩子,而贝德格勒特一心要阻止它达到目的。

  • He then hears the cries of the baby and finds it unharmed under the cradle along with a dead wolf which had attacked the child and been killed by Gelert .

    不料这个时候,却出现婴孩的啼哭声。原来安然无恙的婴儿,竟一直盖在床底之下,而在屋里别处发现了一 头狼的尸首,当然是被奋勇保护 婴孩的格勒特咬死的。

  • The wolf will live with the lamb the leopard will lie down with the goat the calf and the lion and the yearling together ; and a little child will lead them .

    豺狼必与绵羊羔同居、子与山羊羔同卧.壮狮子、牛犊、肥畜同群. 孩子要牵引他们。