with abandon

[wɪð əˈbændən][wið əˈbændən]


  • However labour groups notably steelworkers were not appeased by the move and fought each new trade deal with abandon .

    但劳工团体尤其是钢铁行业的工人对此并不满足,他们狂热地反对每一项新的贸易 协定

  • Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon .

    爱和烹饪值得一辈子 追捧

  • His supporters screamed with wild abandon .

    替他 捧场的人疯狂地尖叫。

  • He knew he would slam into him with abandon forgetting all else .

    他知道自己将不顾一切 大打出手

  • Projecting ourselves with abandon into the lives of others is unusual .

    让自己 纵情投入到他人的生活中去是不正常的。

  • When actors want to increase their chances of winning an Oscar or an Emmy they will often take a role as a character with a multiple-personality disorder allowing them to chew the scenery with abandon .

    当演员们想增加赢得奥斯卡或艾美奖的机会时,他们通常会扮演患有多重人格障碍的角色,以使他们的 演技得到淋漓尽致的发挥。

  • The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with abandon .

    那些女孩子跳上跳下 尽情地挥舞着手臂。

  • The football fans cheered with passionate abandon .

    足球迷们热烈地 尽情 欢呼

  • He has spent money with gay abandon

    他肆意 挥霍钱财。

  • Still for much of this year developers have continued building with abandon counting on demand to revive and refusing to lower prices even as sales began to collapse and inventories mounted .

    但是这些年来,开发商仍是 一意孤行的继续造楼,甚至在销售开始垮台并且存货大量堆积的时候,仍是指望需求回升并且拒绝降低价格。

  • The child cried with abandon .

    这孩子 放声大哭。

  • Although I have no hopes of ever skiing that way I do dream of living with abandon .

    虽然我从不幻想自己能那样滑雪,我的确向往 尽情的生活。

  • I throw myself with abandon into our new puppy .

    我全身 的投入到我们的 小狗上。

  • I began to back away from the wicked tableau forcing myself to move slowly while my mind screamed for me to flee with abandon .

    我开始强迫自己不去看那邪恶的场景,缓缓地转过身向后退,我的内心疯狂的想要 逃离

  • At the party people sang and danced with abandon totally forgetting the troubles in their lives .

    聚会上人们尽情地唱歌跳舞,把生活中的烦恼 到了九霄云外。

  • I am a girl loving freedom but never fly with abandon .

    我是一个自由的女孩,却从未 放纵 飞翔过。

  • The kids were splashing paint with abandon .

    孩子们 任意 泼洒着颜料。

  • However I think that one can abandon oneself to new experiences when overseas without treating one 's training with abandon .

    不过,我想一个人在海外时不妨让自己沉溺于新的体验,只要不过于 放纵于修养。

  • China is a country with abandon of history background and the popularity of drinking tea started from Tang Dynasty .

    中国 具有悠久的 饮茶历史,饮茶之风在唐代开始盛行。

  • In the unlikely event that your divided loyalties are tested find a Dutch pub and cheer the Dutch with abandon .

    如果真的发生这种低概率事件来考验你相互矛盾的忠诚,你可以找一个荷兰酒吧 无拘无束 为荷兰队加油。

  • Can tumble directly in the love but should have neither enmity nor repentance ; can be Wan and sallow and sad with abandon too while failing in love but should introspect grow up .

    恋爱的时候可以一头栽进去,但是要无怨无悔;失恋的时候也可以 尽情憔悴悲伤,但是要反省、成长。

  • The Gypsies danced with gay abandon .

    吉普赛人 纵情地跳舞。

  • Why would they now throw open the doors with gay abandon ?

    他们现在为何要 草率 敞开大门?

  • The fans cheered with abandon when their football team won .

    当他们的足球队踢赢时,球迷们便疯狂 欢呼

  • With an access key and a secret key in hand you can download JetS3t and use it with abandon to interact with S3 via its RESTful API via .

    有了访问密钥和秘密密钥,您可以下载 JetS3t并使用它通过RESTfulAPI与S3交互。

  • Art museums have watched this development nervously fearing damage to their collections or to visitors as users swing their sticks with abandon .

    艺术博物馆紧张地关注这一发展,担心用户们 肆意挥舞 自拍棒时会对藏品或其他游客造成伤害。

  • The kids hurled pieces of wood on the fire with gay abandon .

    孩子们 尽情地往火堆里扔木块。

  • The food was consumed with joyous abandon .

    大家痛快 将食物吃个 精光