theoretical head

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl hɛd][ˌθiəˈretikəl hed]


  • Theoretical pressure head and performance curves of submersible electric centrifugal pump for gas-liquid mixture

    电动潜油离心泵输送气液两相介质的 理论和理论特性曲线

  • A theoretical analysis of the sensor head it can be used to suppress effectively the birefringence in the single mode fiber which is winded on the sensing part of the OFCS is given .

    对光纤电流传感器的一种光纤绕法进行了 理论分析,这种绕法能有效地降低传感 处引进的双折射。

  • Slip factor of centrifugal pumps is very important to theoretical head calculation .

    滑移系数是计算离心泵 理论 扬程的关键。

  • CONCLUSION : The recombinant VEGF gene expresses in synovial cells of rabbit femoral head and the expression enhance the vascularization and the establishment of collateral circulation in avascular necrotic femoral head which lays a theoretical foundation for the gene therapy for avascular necrosis of femoral head .

    结论:重组VEGF基因可在兔股骨头滑膜细胞中表达,促进股骨头缺血坏死处新生血管形成和侧支循环建立,为基因干预股 骨头缺血性坏死提供了 理论基础。

  • First a theoretical simplify value of internal explosive impact loading is solved and is described . Secondly under the boundary effect a theoretical derivation of the equations of motion to cylindrical shell and flat head is accomplished .

    首先对内爆炸冲击载荷进行简化表述,并对边界效应下圆柱壳体及平板 封头的运动方程进行 理论推导。

  • The results of the simulated exam are similar to that of the experimental design which approves the rightness of the numerical model . Based on the above research this thesis provides a solid theoretical foundation for the design and material selection of connecting plate and anchor head .

    模拟结果与实验结果比较一致,验证了数值模型的正确性。通过以上研究,本文的结论对连接平板和锚 外形尺寸的设计和选用材料提供了 理论依据,起到了一定的指导作用。

  • This study is to provide a theoretical basis to take appropriate measures to reduce the head nurse burnout to meet the psychological needs .

    本研究为减轻 护士长的职业倦怠、满足护士长的职业心理需求,采取相应措施提供 理论依据。

  • Theoretical research on instantaneous transmission ratio of head faced harmonic gear with movable teeth

    活齿 端面谐波齿轮瞬时传动比的 理论研究

  • Theoretical design and experimental study of small-flow high - head vortex pumps

    小流量 旋涡泵的 理论设计与试验研究

  • That will offer the theoretical data of Chinese adult humeral head for the design and manufacture of artificial joint and artificial humeral head .

    根据所测肱骨头半径与关节面张角,即能绘出肱骨头关节面的图形, 计算出关节面曲率。本文对设计、制造肱 骨头提供了国人数据,也可为肱骨头生物力学的研究提供 参考

  • With the analysis of forming mechanism of the actual Quantity - Head curve of centrifugal pump the relation of slope and hump of theoretical Quantity - Head curve of centrifugal pump was derived mathematically and the relation of specific speed and curve slope was presented .

    分析了离心泵实际流量扬程曲线的形成过程,数学推导了 理论流量 扬程曲线斜率与驼峰的关系,提出了比转速与斜率大小的关系曲线。

  • Theoretical numeral value tallies with fact which presents the theoretical basis for determining parameters of impeller head .

    理论计算值与实际应用值相符,为 抛丸器的参数设计提供了 理论依据。

  • The simulation method provides basic theoretical foundation for the fabrication steps of large caliber-thick hemispherical stainless head lining .

    所用模拟方法为设计不锈钢球形 封头衬里的多次冷冲压加工工艺方案提供了有效的 理论依据。

  • From the research present few scholars compare the theoretical study on head teachers'evaluation system and even fewer lack in the system of positivism investigation .

    从目前的研讨来望,很少有学者对 班主任评价工作作比拟体系的 理论研讨,更缺少比拟体系的实证调查研讨。

  • This analysis methodology offered certain theoretical foundation for development and improvement of the new horizontal diesel engine cylinder head and provides a reference for the finite element analysis of other series of products .

    此外,通过有限元分析可为该柴油机 缸盖的开发设计和改进提供了一定的 理论依据,同时也为该公司生产的其他系列产品的有限元分析计算提供了参考。

  • Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Spread of the Head of Rail in Rail Rolling by a Universal Mill

    钢轨万能轧制过程 轨头宽展规律的 理论和实验研究

  • A Theoretical Analysis on the Dynamics of a Gravity Current Head in Open Channels

    明渠异重流 头部运动速度的 理论分析

  • The paper researches deeply the demonstration process of pump theoretical head formula and concludes that the precision of theoretical head is determined mainly by slip coefficient .

    较深入研究和分析了 理论 扬程公式的推导过程,认为滑移系数是理论扬程计算结果精度的主要决定因素之一。

  • Experimental and Theoretical Research on Valve Head Compensation for Nonlinear Characteristic of Evaporator

    线型对蒸发器非线性补偿的 理论与试验研究

  • By analyzing interior flow rules the relative motion momentum equation and infinite vane theoretical head equation are established .

    通过分析离心泵叶轮内部的流动规律,推导出了理想流体相对运动的动量方程和无限多叶片假设下的用出口角表达的 理论 扬程公式。

  • A theoretical study on the magnetic field of a recording head with arbitrary pole-angle

    极端为任意角的记录 磁头理论的研究

  • It has laid a solid theoretical foundation . for the orientation and shift process of the head of mounter .

    对贴装 的定位与移位过程奠定了坚实的 理论基础。

  • The choice of vane curve should satisfy the conditions of boundary layer non-separation and theoretical distance head by Eular equation-the basic equation of pumps .

    叶片型线的选择应满足边界层不分离条件及由欧拉方程&泵的基本方程所确定的 理论 扬程条件。

  • The fourth chapter is about the theoretical analysis of the topic that the rural junior middle school education will head off for the city .

    第四章进行初中教育 城镇化的 理论分析。

  • A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Focusing Error Signal in a Holographic Optic Head

    全息光学 聚焦误差信号的 理论及实验分析

  • Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on Side Channel Flow in Elevated Head Tank

    水流量标准装置高位 水箱侧槽流动规律的 理论分析与实验研究

  • Objects : Through designing and testing physical and chemical properties and biomechanical properties of the Enhanced Bioceramic Rod we can provid the theoretical basis for Clinical application to prevent the collapse of the necrotic femoral head . Methods : 1 .

    目的:本试验通过设计研制增强型生物陶瓷棒,并测试其理化性质及生物力学性能,为动物实验及临床应用增强型生物陶瓷棒以防止股 骨头坏死后的塌陷提供基础研究的 理论依据。

  • With the parallelism of theoretical connotation head teacher also should be involved in the fields of morality and education being involved in the field of psychological coaching .

    理论内涵对应, 班主任在涉入心理辅导领域时,也要涉入德育领域和教育领域。