therapeutic ratio

[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk ˈreʃo][ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk ˈreiʃiəu]


  • Conclusion : The therapeutic effects of SI on PMO may be related to regulating the expression levels of OPG and OPGL mRNAs and the ratio of OPGL mRNA / OPG mRNA .

    结论:SI防治PMO的效应可能与其调控OPGmRNA的表达及OPGL mRNA/OPGmRNA 比值相关。

  • Objective To study the therapeutic effectiveness and effect-cost ratio of compound Vitamin B_12 and recombinant human epidermal growth factor ( rhEGF ) in the treatment of oral mucositis caused by radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) .

    目的了解复方维生素B12和重组人表皮生长因子治疗鼻咽癌放疗引起的口腔黏膜炎的 疗效和效价

  • Objective : To open out the therapeutic efficacy mechanism of three-step sequential therapy by investigating the changes of ratio of Th1 / Th2 of the patients with SDA during steroid withdrawl .

    目的通过 观察SDA患者治疗前后Th1/Th2 比值的变化情况,揭示三步序贯法治疗SDA的 疗效机制。

  • RESULTS : At one month there was a better therapeutic effect in the patients of three groups . The effective ratio were 97 36 % 82 35 % and 81 39 % respectively .

    结果: 治疗1个月后3组患者均取得较好 疗效,有效率分别为 97-36%,82-35%,81-39%。

  • How Much Amount of Heparin should be used in the Atrial Fibrillation Ablation with therapeutic International Normalized Ratio ?

    心房颤动消融术中为达到 治疗国际标准化 比值普通肝素的用量应为多少?

  • The short term clinical therapeutic effect histologic change recurrent ratio metastasis ratio and survival condition were compared among three groups .

    对各组的近期 疗效、组织学改变、复发 、转移率及生存情况进行比较。

  • The fundamental aim of radiotherapy is to improve local tumor therapeutic gain ratio that is a higher tumor control probability without causing unwanted radiation damage to normal-tissues ( i.e. a low normal-tissue complication probability ) .

    放射治疗的根本目的是提高肿瘤 治疗 治疗增益 ,即最大限度的提高肿瘤的局部控制率和降低周围正常组织的放射并发症概率。

  • Therapeutic effect of NG was observed and plasma free radical levels and the ratio of thromboxane A2 ( TXA2 ) and prostaglandin 2 ( PGI2 ) were detected .

    观察脑醒冲剂的 临床 疗效及其对自由基、血栓素A2(TXA2)与前列环素(PGI2) 比值的影响。

  • Therapeutic cost one-year survival rate and cost-effect ratio were compared between two groups .

    比较两组的 治疗成本、一年生存率及成本效果

  • Study on Laser Medicine Comprehensive Therapy in Improving Therapeutic Effectiveness of Treating Cerebral Infarction and Reducing Maim Ratio

    激光医学综合疗法在提高治疗脑梗塞的 疗效及降低病残 等方面的探讨

  • Conclusions : MPCNL is a therapeutic modality with advantages of high achievement ratio and slight injury especially for upper ureteric calculus with narrow ureter and ureter twist .

    结论:MPCNL 治疗输尿管上段结石,取石成功 高,创伤小,尤其在输尿管上段结石并发狭窄、扭曲时有良好的疗效。

  • There was no significant difference between male and female in injuries and therapeutic result except in ratio of knee injuries .

    除膝患病 女性高於男性外,其他如受伤种类, 疗效以及受伤原因等,男女之间均无显著性差异。

  • Result : ( 1 ) Evaluation therapeutic effect after 4 weeks of treatment : the experiment group efficiency ratio of 90.00 % and apparent efficiency ratio of 65.00 % while the control group only had 83.33 % and 53.33 % .

    结果:(1)治疗4周后总疾病 疗效评价:试验组的有效 90.00%、显效率65.00%,对照组的有效率83.33%、显效率53.33%,两组间差异有统计学意义。

  • METHOD Cost effectiveness analysis method was used to calculate the cost of treatment and the clinic effectiveness of two therapeutic schemes in one period of treatment . The cost effectiveness ratio ( C / E ) was calculated at the same time .

    方法运用成本效果分析法,计算两种 治疗方案1个疗程的治疗费用和临床疗效,并计算成本效果 (C/E)。