theory of surplus value

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˈsɚpləs ˈvælju][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈsə:pləs ˈvælju]

[经] 剩余价值理论

  • But with the further deepening of Marx he bid farewell to the alienation of labor instead of exploring the theory of surplus value .

    但随着马克思思想的进一步深入,他又告别了异化劳动,转而 剩余 价值 理论进行探索。

  • As a school of western Marxism world system theory assimilates and makes an eclectic use of Marx 's theory of capital accumulation and surplus value Rosa Luxemburg 's theory of the third market Lenin and Bukharin 's theory of imperialism ;

    世界体系理论作为西方马克思主义的流派之一,它吸收并折衷了马克思的资本积累和 剩余 价值 理论、罗莎?卢森堡的第三市场理论、列宁和布哈林的帝国主义理论。

  • On Relationship Between Marxian Historical Materialism and Theory of Surplus Value

    浅论马克思唯物史观与 剩余 价值 理论之间的关系

  • The Alienated Labor Theory and the Inevitability of Its Transforming into Theory of Surplus Value

    异化劳动理论及其向 剩余 价值 理论转变的必然性

  • Scientific Labor Value Theory is theoretical basis of political economics of Marxism and of surplus value theory and scientific socialism .

    科学的劳动价值 是马克思主义政治经济学的理论基础,是 剩余 价值理论和科学社会主义理论的基础。

  • Enrich the Theory of Surplus Value with New Content

    剩余 价值 理论应当结合实践注入新的内容

  • Marx 's Theory of Surplus Value and The Innovation works

    马克思的 剩余 价值 和创新劳动

  • The main purpose of this essay is to establish a customized Chinese Theory of Optimal Taxation by integrating Marx 's Theories of Surplus Value and Reproduction with the Western Theory of Optimal Taxation .

    本文就是在对西方最优税收理论进行评析的基础上,以马克思的 剩余 价值理论和再生产 理论研究我国的最优税收理论。

  • The theory of average profit and production price is an important component part of Marx 's economic theory ; and it is the foundation of Marx 's theory of surplus value .

    平均利润与生产价格理论是马克思经济学说的重要组成部分,是马克思 剩余 价值 分配 理论的基石。

  • Marxist Labor Theory of Value refers to human labor in making goods as the only headspring of producing value and surplus value and thereby reveals the economic cause for the antagonism of capitalists and employees .

    马克思的劳动价值 ,把制造商品时所耗费的活劳动作为创造价值和 剩余 价值的惟一源泉,从而揭示了资本家与雇佣工人深刻对立的经济根源。

  • With the development of people 's recognition and social practice the two theory prerequisites of scientific socialism & Materialist conception of history and Surplus Value also need to develop and consummate continuously .

    随着人们认识和社会实践的发展,科学社会主义的两个 理论前提&唯物史观和 剩余 价值论也需要不断完善和发展。

  • On the theory of surplus value distribution in the contemporary society

    当代社会 剩余 价值分配 理论 探析

  • Reform and Opening-An Enormous Innovation to the Theory of Surplus Value

    改革开放对 剩余 价值 理论的巨大创新

  • Through the current theory of value the new labor value monism the Western theory of human capital as well as the Marxist theory of surplus value different perspectives and many other details of the value of human resources can be the theoretical basis for measurement .

    并且从当期价值理论、新的劳动价值一元论、西方人力资本理论以及马克思主义 剩余 价值 理论等多个不同角度详细介绍了人力资源价值可计量的理论基础。

  • Reflection on the Theory of Surplus Value of Karl Marx

    对马克思 剩余 价值 理论的再认识

  • Theory of Surplus Value Development at Modern Times

    剩余 价值 理论 及其在当代的发展

  • Basing on scientific labor axiology Marx founded the theory of surplus value which opens out inherent contradiction and movement regularity of capitalistic manufacture mode .

    马克思在科学的劳动价值论的基础上创立了 剩余 价值 学说,揭示了资本主义生产方式的内在矛盾和运动规律。

  • On the Teaching of the Theory of Surplus Value Distribution

    剩余 价值分配 理论课堂讲授之我见

  • At first the workers learn that their boss is exploiting them setting them on the path to discovering the truth of the theory of surplus value .

    一开始,该企业的员工发现老板在剥削他们,于是开始踏上探寻“ 剩余 价值理论真谛的道路。

  • Modern theory of surplus value from rework and innovative framework for developing labor division .

    现代 剩余 价值 必须从重复劳动和创新劳动的划分框架加以发展。

  • Marx also created the doctrine of the labor commodity and the theory of labor duality explained the source and essence of surplus value . The foundation of the theory of surplus value laid a foundation for the essential formation of Marxist economics system .

    马克思还通过创立劳动力商品学说和劳动二重性理论,深刻说明了剩余价值的来源和实质,创立了 剩余 价值 理论,为马克思经济学体系的基本形成奠定了基础。

  • Inferred from the dynamic history of the formation and development of Marxism dialectical materialism historical materialism scientific socialism the theory of surplus value and dialectics of nature are its basic structural system .

    从马克思主义形成与发展的动态历史过程看,辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义、科学社会主义、 剩余 价值 理论和自然辩证法是其根本的结构体系。

  • After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value man 's all-round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice .

    直到马克思创立了历史唯物主义和 剩余 价值 学说,才使人的全面发展由空想变为科学,由科学走向实践。

  • In Marxian theory of surplus value there could only exist zero-sum relations between capital and labor in the creation of value .

    内容提要在传统 剩余 价值 的架构中,劳动与资本在价值创造中只存在零和关系。

  • From the angle of market-oriented operation basing on the demand curve of customer and the theory of consumer surplus this paper researches into not only elec-tric reserve value and its demand curve but also the optimization model of optimal reserve level .

    从市场化运营的角度,基于用户的需求曲线和消费者 剩余 理论市场条件下电力备用的 价值与备用的需求曲线进行了研究,并探讨了系统最优备用水平的优化模型;

  • The Land theory is an important component of surplus value 's distribution of Marx .

    地租 理论是马克思 剩余 价值分配 理论的重要组成部分,它以科学的劳动 价值 理论与生产 价格 理论基础

  • The theory of labor value is futher explored that lead to deeply think to surplus value .

    劳动价值 理论的深化必然会引发对 剩余 价值 理论的深化。

  • More than 100 years ago in the classical economists and inheritance critical labor theory of value based on the creation of a scientific Marxist labor theory of value and on this basis the creation of the theory of surplus value .

    一百多年前,在批判和继承古典经济学家劳动价值理论的基础上,马克思创立了科学的劳动价值理论,并以此为依据,创立了 剩余 价值 学说

  • In this theory the scientific value store virtually is the summation of all the surplus value that fundamental researchers create with advanced and complicated labor .

    在该 理论中,科学价值库实质上是从事基础性研究的科学人员的高级复杂劳动创造的 剩余 价值的总和。

  • This paper therefore mainly discusses the theory of surplus value the theory of accumulation of capital the theory of social reproduction and the theory of profit and average profit .

    本文主要对 剩余 价值 理论、资本积累理论、社会资本再生产理论、利润和平均利润理论的若干观点进行讨论。