thermodynamic property

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk ˈprɑpəti][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik ˈprɔpəti]


  • Assessment and Prediction of Thermodynamic Property of Compounds in Sialon System

    赛隆(Sialon)体系 热力学 性质评估与预报

  • Study on Ferromagnetic Granular Film Spin Excitation Spectrum and Thermodynamic Property

    铁磁颗粒膜自旋激发谱和 热力学 性质研究

  • Bulk fluid thermodynamic property of the LJ model is from a recently proposed equation of state .

    体相LJ液体的 热力学 特性由一个最近提出的状态方程求取。

  • In chapter III the influence of the heat reservoir boundary on the thermodynamic property of a thermal Brownian heat engine in a periodic single-barrier sawtooth is analyzed .

    在第三章中,研究了温库边界对单势垒锯齿势中布朗热机 热力学 性能的影响。

  • Taking example for the database for thermodynamic property of saturated liquid and saturated steam this paper also introduce the way to realize the query and its result .

    本文以饱和水及饱和蒸汽 热力 性质数据库为例,说明了系统查询功能的实现方法与效果。

  • Based on the present experimental results and the data from literatures the thermodynamic property of the ternary was systematically assessed for the fust time .

    根据当前的实验结果和文献所报道的相关信息,首次对该三元系进行了系统的 热力学 优化和评估。

  • The thermodynamic property of liquefied natural gas ( simplified LNG ) that the boiling point of LNG rising with its pressure is introduced .

    介绍了液化天然气(LNG)升压后的自冷 热力学 特性,指出了LNG的储存方式及存在的问题。

  • Thermodynamic Property and Test of Condenser Plant

    凝汽设备的 热力 特性和试验

  • These parameters are necessary for the study of the thermodynamic property of DNA melting .

    这些量对研究DNA解链的 热力学 性质是必不可少的。

  • The Developement and Application of Database for Thermodynamic Property of Saturated Water and Saturated Steam

    饱和水及饱和蒸汽 热力 性质数据库的开发与应用

  • Kinetic and thermodynamic property of aldehyde reductase of human placenta

    人胎盘醛还原酶的动力学和 热力学 性质

  • Calculation Method of Thermodynamic Property in Ternary Metal Melt with Saturated Carbon

    碳饱和三元金属熔体 热力学 性质的计算方法

  • Meanwhile the thermodynamic property of the ternary was extrapolated and predicated successfully using the thermodynamic description of its sub-binary from literature .

    同时,利用文献所报道的有关该体系的相关二元子系统的热力学信息成功地外推和预测了该三元系的 热力学 性质

  • Use Helical Lattice Approximation Method to Study of the Vibrational Thermodynamic Property of DNA

    利用螺旋点阵近似方法研究DNA振动的 热力学 性质

  • Stability analysis of ferromagnetism crystal thermodynamic property

    铁磁晶体 热力学 性质的稳定性分析

  • The thermodynamic property of the elastic body and the memorizing methods by using square map ( I );

    弹性体的 热力学 性质及其方阵图记忆法(Ⅰ)

  • Theoretical study on the structure spectra and thermodynamic property of 2 - ( toluene-4-sulfonylamino ) - benzoic

    2-(甲苯-4-磺酰胺基)-苯甲酸的结构,光谱与 热力学 性质的理论研究苯磺酰邻氨基苯甲酸

  • A New Method Used of Boiling Point and Thermodynamic Property of Alkens ; Film Morphology Research of Different Substances in New Modified Amino Silicone

    一种新方法对链烷烃 热力学 性质和沸点的研究新型氨烃基聚硅氧烷在不同基质上的膜形貌

  • A computer simulation study on structure and thermodynamic property of KNO_3 electrolyte solution

    硝酸钾电解质溶液的结构和 热力学 性质的计算机分子模拟

  • In order to perform thermo economic optimization a program is firstly developed to evaluate the thermodynamic property of R22 on the basis of Martin-Hou state equation .

    为了进行热经济学优化,首先在 Martin-Hou状态方程的基础上建立了制冷剂R22的 热力学计算模型。

  • Mensuration on the thermodynamic property of ibuprofen by inclusion complexation with supramolecular cyclodextrin

    超分子材料环糊精与布洛芬包合的 热力学测定

  • Adsorption model dynamic mechanism and adsorption thermodynamic property of the version zeolite are discussed .

    对改型沸石除氟过程的吸附模式、动力学机制和吸附 热力学 性质进行了研究。

  • Study on Acetic Acid Lignin Modified Polyurethane and Its Thermodynamic Property

    乙酸木质素改性聚氨酯材料的制备及 热力学 性能研究

  • Structural Thermodynamic Principles Study of interfacial thermodynamic property

    结构热力学原理界面 热力 性质分析

  • Studies on the Correlation of Bond Effect and Thermodynamic Property of Carbonates

    碳酸盐 热力学 性质和键效应关系的研究

  • Calculation of Thermodynamic Property for Water-Cooled Reactor Fluid

    水冷反应堆流体 热力学 特性计算

  • The fur thermodynamic property of weasel explains the biological significance of different morphological characteristics reflects the response of fur characteristics to different ecological factors changes and incarnates the adaptability that the morphology and function of animal fur highly unify .

    黄鼬被毛 热力学 特性解释了其形态特征差异的生物学意义,充分反映了黄鼬被毛特征对不同生境因子变化的高效响应,体现了动物被毛形态结构与功能高度统一的适应性。

  • Study of interfacial thermodynamic property

    界面 热力 性质分析