


  • Simulation Contrast Analysis of Macpherson Suspension and Double Wishbone Suspension Based on ADAMS / Car

    基于ADAMS/Car的麦弗逊悬架与双 悬架仿真对比分析

  • The logic design and physical implementation of a GPIO_WB controller based on WISHBONE Bus are achieved .

    完成了一种基于 WISHBONE总线的GPIOWB控制器的逻辑设计和物理实现。

  • Wishing upon a wishbone is an ancient custom .

    如愿 许愿是一项古老的习俗。

  • Good Luck : four leaf clover horse shoe wishbone rabbits foot cross fingers .

    好运的迷信:马鞍, ,兔子的脚,交叉手指。

  • A system programmed in Perl / Tk for the customed auto-generated wishbone bus is given .

    根据 Wishbone的标准,使用Perl/Tk语言 实现了一个用户自定义Wishbone总线的自动生成系统。

  • Troubleshooting User Components in a Wishbone Soft Processor Platform

    基于 Wishbone的软处理器平台 寻找用户元件故障

  • The LAE Series electric power clamp is light weight and uses a wishbone style arm .

    在抗癫痫联盟系列电力钳是重量轻,使用 式手臂。

  • Everyone is seatedCath : As wishbone pull winner I 'd like to make a toast before we eat .

    凯西:身为扯 许愿 的赢家,我想要在我们开动之前敬个酒。

  • Wishbone suspension Torsion liar Characteristic analysis Design & calculation ;


  • Virtual Design and Optimization of Wishbone Front Suspension Based on ADAMS

    基于ADAMS的 前悬架的虚拟设计及优化

  • Build me a son whose wishbone will not be where his backbone should be ; a son who will know Thee and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge .

    请给我造就这样一个儿子,他不会用愿望 代替 行动,将牢记你的 教诲 认识自己是认识世界的奠基石。

  • Wishbone : the forked bone anterior to the breastbone of most birds formed by the fusion of the clavicles .

    鸟胸的 如愿 :大多数鸟胸骨前部的叉形骨,因锁骨合并形成的。

  • The wishbone is actually the forked bone from a fowl 's breast better known as the furcula .

    其实, 如愿 就是取自家禽胸部的分叉状骨头,也就是人们所熟知的叉骨。

  • Vegetarians never get to do the wishbone .

    素食者本不该 使用 如愿

  • The Kinematics Analysis of Double Wishbone and Multi-link Suspension System Based on the Software of ADAMS / CAR

    基于ADAMS/CAR的双 与多连杆悬架系统运动学分析

  • She suspected as much when at18 months I lined up my stuffed animals in the wishbone offense .

    因为在我18个月大时,居然把毛绒动物玩具排成了Y字形的进攻 阵型

  • Insert diagonal arm and fit it on the wishbone .

    插入对角臂并将其安装在 横向 控制

  • Modal analysis of low arm also provides reference for finite element analysis of double wishbone suspension .

    也为以后对双 悬架的有限元分析提供了参考依据。

  • Wishbone threaded joint on carrier side section .

    托架侧面部分的 式螺纹接头。

  • Well before with the wishbone * I didn 't wish we would win the lottery I wished you 'd get the job .

    刚才 许愿 的时候,我的愿望不是彩票中大奖,而是让你得到这份工作。

  • The vehicle must be raised in order to check the lower axle joint on the wishbone .

    为检查 横向 控制 上的下轴接头,必须举升车辆。

  • A thimble means that a woman will not marry a coin means wealth and a wishbone means that their dearest wish will be granted .

    如果得到一枚顶针说明这名妇女不会结婚,硬币预示着财运旺盛, 表示他们最珍贵的愿望将会实现。

  • Ethernet IP core based on wishbone bus interface

    基于 Wishbone总线接口的以太网IP核设计

  • Design of Sensor Control System on Chip Based on Wishbone

    基于 Wishbone 总线 传感器控制系统的设计