the day after tomorrow

[ði de ˈæftɚ təˈmɔro][ðə dei ˈɑ:ftə təˈmɔrəu]


  • Can you make it any other time the day after tomorrow .

    你能把它 安排 后天的另外 个时间

  • They 'll have a party the day after tomorrow .

    他们 后天将举行一个聚会。

  • I 'll leave for Beijing the day after tomorrow .


  • The meeting will open the day after tomorrow .

    这个会议将于 后天开幕。

  • You had better not leave for Nanjing the day after tomorrow .

    你最好 后天不要动身去南京。

  • I am going to the mall the day after tomorrow .


  • Can I visit you in the morning of the day after tomorrow at the hotel ?

    我能不能 后天的早晨去酒店找您?

  • I 'd like to check him out of here the day after tomorrow .

    我想 后天帮他办理手续,结账离开这里。

  • The day after tomorrow 's mother 's day . I want to give my mom a bouquet of carnations .


  • The new students will enter school the day after tomorrow .

    新生 后天入学。

  • The day after tomorrow I 'll have everything ready .


  • You should hand in your composition the day after tomorrow .


  • I 'd like to meet you the day after tomorrow .

    我想 后天拜访你。

  • No she hasn ' t.She will leave the day after tomorrow in the afternoon .

    不,她还没有离开。她会 后天下午离开

  • The day after tomorrow I will go home . I hope that you will be able to .

    后天,就要回家 了,真希望你能陪我一起去。

  • Rodney will return the day after tomorrow .

    罗德尼 后天就会回来了。

  • He will come to see you the day after tomorrow .


  • The letter posted today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow .

    今天寄出的信大概 后天他就收到了。

  • She 's leaving the day after tomorrow .

    她打算 后天离开。

  • Well the wedding is on the day after tomorrow .

    对了, 后天是婚礼。

  • I 'm free the day after tomorrow . ? We could meet Thursday evening .


  • This Saturday ? The day after tomorrow ? On the Sunday following I did return to him .

    了下 个星期 ,我真的又去找他了。

  • He could have reinforcements here the day after tomorrow .


  • May I ask you to postpone the meeting until the day after tomorrow ?

    可以或许要供您将接睹接睹会 时分延到 后天吗?

  • I won 't speak to you until the day after tomorrow .


  • Your birthday is the day after tomorrow .


  • B : That is scheduled for shipment the day after tomorrow .

    B:预定 后天 可装船了。

  • The day after tomorrow is my father 's birthday . We 'll celebrate it then .


  • I can 't finish this budget report until the day after tomorrow .

    我要 后天才能完成这个预算报告。