the instant

[ði ˈɪnstənt][ðə ˈinstənt]


  • The value of this flag is returned at the instant of the query to the calling application .


  • Lz In this paper based on B / S of the instant messaging system design and implementation process .

    本文概述了基于B/S模式 即时通信系统的设计与实现过程。

  • This can be done over lunch or on the instant messaging boards .

    这个动作可以在午餐时或在 即时通讯工具上做。

  • The machine starts the instant the button is pressed .


  • I sent you the news the instant I heard it .

    我一听到这消息 立刻通知你了。

  • This paper studies the method of finding the instant center .

    研究不作 速度分析, 用三心定理无法求解 速度 心问题。

  • I told you the instant I heard the news .

    我一听说那个消息 马上就通知了你。

  • He came the instant I called his name .


  • Their appetising hot meal contrasted with the instant noodles and biscuits offered at other food stations .

    相比其他食品站提供 方便面和饼干,他们的热餐要可口的多。

  • Carrie 's anger melted on the instant .

    嘉莉 立刻消了气。

  • At the instant I saw him I knew he was the man the police were looking for .


  • The president answered the reporter 's questions on the instant .

    总统 当场就回答了记者的提问。

  • Give me a call the instant you get this message .

    你一收到这条讯息 就打给我。

  • He left on the instant .

    马上 便走了。

  • Our message disappears the instant we say it .

    我们 嘴中发出 信息一出口就消失了。

  • Enter your sign-in name and password to connect to the instant messaging server shown below .

    请输入您的登录名和密码,以便连接到下面显示 即时消息服务器。

  • I will meet you the instant you arrive .


  • I had bolted the door the instant I had seen the bat .

    看到蝙蝠就把 门闩上了。

  • He 'll telephone me the instant he knows .

    他一俟知悉,会 即刻电告我的。

  • She woke up the instant the phone rang .

    电话一 她就醒了。

  • The instant I reached the platform the train began to move .

    我一到站台,火车就 开动了。

  • There is also an experimental facility to receive'push'notifications the instant that data changes on the server .

    还有一个实验工具,在服务器上的数据发生变化时能 立即接收“推”过来 通知。

  • The subject is studied and uses JXTA to put up P2P network to finish the instant messaging system .

    课题研究使用JXTA搭建P2P网络,完成 即时通信系统。

  • She left on the instant .


  • All this plethora of sight and feeling and thought occurred on the instant .

    这许多视觉,感觉和思想方面的活动全是一 下子产生

  • Photography between the instant and the eternal serves as a bridge between present and history .

    摄影,介于 瞬间与永恒之间,是现在与历史之间的桥梁。

  • For that specific reason we launched the INSTANT trial .

    正因为这个特殊原因,我们发起了 INSTANT试验。

  • The instant I saw I knew you were angry with me .

    我一看到你,就知道你在对我 生气