the other one

[ði ˈʌðər wʌn][ðə ˈʌðə(r wʌn]


  • But the other one steals it * Let 's do a story on the little gray duck .

    但是 另外 把面包给偷吃了⋯⋯让我们做个关于这只小灰鸭的报道,孩子会喜欢的。

  • Six months later one hermit said to the other one That was a cute little black dog .

    六个月以后,一个隐士对 说,“那是一只可爱的小黑狗。”

  • One of my sisters is a doctor and the other one teaches at a university .

    我出生 上海,在那儿上学,一直到大学毕业。我父亲是个律师,母亲是 教师。

  • One class is called the function selector and the other one is called data binding .

    一个类称为函数选择器, 类称为数据绑定。

  • The code snippets below give a quick overview of the other types of modification one might wish to perform on the contact SDO .

    下面的代码片段给出了希望在联系人SDO上执行 其他类型修改的简要概述。

  • What ! A big bloke like you beaten by his wife ! Pull the other one ; it 's got bells on .

    什么!你这么一个大块头居然被他的妻子打了! 逗了。

  • This case is not on all fours with the other one so no analogy can be drawn between them .

    这件案子与 案子不完全相符。

  • If you see two life forms one of them 's making a poop the other one 's carrying it for him who would you assume is in charge .

    你要是看见两种生命形态,一个在大便, 在盛大便,你会以为哪个是主人。

  • And now there 's the other one !

    现在 也来 纠缠不清了!

  • One was given by a Nobel lawyer the other one was given by a famous econmics professor Jason .

    一个是律师做的, 是一位著名的经济学家做的。

  • The other transformation primitives convert one business object structure into another business object .

    新的转换原语将 业务对象结构转换成另一种业务对象结构。

  • One tribe played tricks on the other one .

    一个部落对 部落玩起了诡计。

  • JSSE is architected such that it provides for two sets of interfaces : one is referred to as the Service Provider Interface ( SPI ) and the other one is an Application Programming Interface ( API ) .

    将JSSE这样架构以便其能够提供两套接口:一套被称为服务提供方接口(ServiceProviderInterface,SPI),而 是应用程序编程接口(ApplicationProgrammingInterface,API)。

  • We bought these six chairs and they gave us the other one for nothing .

    我们买了六把椅子,他们 免费送了我们 把。

  • No matter what the other one do to you you will forgive her at last .

    无论 对方对你做了什么,最后你都会原谅她。

  • C file itself ; the other one is inside the file . / actions / view-commands . c.


  • Add to that the aspect that the co-founder being removed could be bound by marriage to another co-founder – with the common circumstance that one co-founder is engineering the removal of the other – and one can quickly see what a morass this situation can become .

    我们经常会看到公司的创始人 之一图谋赶走另一位联合创始人,然而,离任的联合创始人有可能和 一个创始人是夫妻关系,一旦如此,事情就将变得极其错综复杂。

  • Just the other day I saw one of my neighbors at the local store .

    天,我在附近的店里看见 邻居。

  • Technology is a major enabler of business processes ( the other one being people ) which implies that you won 't go too far without proper understanding of your main tool .

    技术是业务过程的主要启动者( 是人),这暗示着不对您主要的工具进行适当的了解,您不会成功。

  • One record contains the item information from the sales spreadsheet and the other one contains product details for that item .

    其中一个记录包含来自销售电子表格的条目信息, 记录则包含那个条目的产品详细信息。

  • Nervously they steal glances at each other averting their eyes when they see the other one looking back .

    惴惴不安地,他们互相偷看着,当发现 对方也在回望自己时,又转移视线。

  • During the whole life you will regret for two things : one is that you don'tget the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy .

    人的一生,有两种遗憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心爱的人; 是心爱的 得不到幸福。

  • She was holding the wheel with one hand and waving with the other one .

    她一只手握着方向盘, 只手挥舞着。

  • It would not be appropriate for either interaction to be a part of the other one .

    让其中的一个交互成为 交互 一部分并不合适。

  • One jar will contain salt and the other one will contain pepper !

    其中一个罐子里会是盐巴, 则是胡椒粉!

  • One of the shoes sailed over the president 's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one .

    其中一只是鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了 此外 只是